Example sentences of "[vb mod] only [be] [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The Raworth regenerative system could only be properly tested if the whole service was worked by regenerative cars and this was now possible .
2 As reported in the local press on July 18 , Fajgembaum had suggested ( i ) that if the government wished to obtain a $2,000 million extended IMF loan it should eliminate a constitutional law guaranteeing individual states a share of federal tax income ; and ( ii ) that inflation could only be sharply reduced if the federal deficit were reduced .
3 The skills and disciplines to deliver each of these elements is available in Scotland , but will only be effectively utilised if they are part of our overall tourism strategy under one board and not , as now , with a variety of organisations working in partial isolation , and indeed often in competition .
4 ‘ However , the reality is that such matters will only be successfully resolved when a greater degree of trust and cohesion has been attained as a result of working together . ’
5 We believe that results can only be properly evaluated if the problems connected with the study are made manifest rather than concealed .
6 Vitamin deficiency Vitamin deficiency can only be properly diagnosed and treated by a doctor , but there are certain fairly obvious signs which should be noted , bearing in mind that an old person who is obese can still be suffering from malnutrition and vitamin deficiency through eating the wrong kinds of food .
7 Any model of skilled reading which incorporates this view can only be properly tested if the mechanism by which unfamiliar printed letter strings are translated into phonological form is described in adequate detail .
8 It will , I hope , become increasingly clear as this book progresses that it is essential to understand science as an historically evolving body of knowledge and that a theory can only be adequately appraised if due attention is paid to its historical context .
9 On the other hand , polycentric disputes can only be satisfactorily resolved if the solution takes account of the interests of all affected parties and if the decision-maker has access to all relevant information and opinions from whatever quarter they come .
10 In non-consumer sales the implicated terms can only be so excluded or modified if the terms purporting to do this are reasonable in accordance with the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 sections 5 to 7 .
11 In Comr. of Stamp Duties v. Bone [ 1976 ] 2 All E.R.354 at 360 ( P.C. ) Lord Russell , speaking for five Lords of Appeal , said : ‘ A debt can only be truly released and extinguished by agreement for valuable consideration or under seal .
12 However , the success of recent policy initiatives can only be fully met if farmers find it their own interests to plant up pieces of land in such a way as to achieve both timber production and environmental improvement .
13 This is not to deny the significance of the creative individual , but his or her efforts at innovation can only be really sustained when they take root in and pervade the school as a whole .
14 Note that modules can only be hard copied if they are online and can not be nominated for hard copy individually .
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