Example sentences of "[vb mod] only [verb] [art] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The linear relationship between plasma gastrin concentration and the enterochromaffin like cell density previously reported may only reflect a more prolonged endogenous hypergastrinaemia in those with the highest gastrin concentration two hours after administration of the drug .
2 The democracy movement outside China may only play a more substantial role if a new power vacuum allows the exiles to return home — although , like Sun Yat-sen 's Tongmenghui party after the 1911 revolution , they may still be outmanoeuvred by domestic political forces .
3 It assumes administrative efficiency will suffice when this may only have the most limited of practical effects .
4 Now then , what sort of people do you think it 's most important then to have in a team , because you 'll only have a very small team ?
5 This year I could only stay a very short time , as I had to get out to Cliveden for a charity ball the same evening .
6 This , of course , could only give a very broad idea of the scope of the research .
7 This is crucial to my theme because the concept of the unity of mankind could only become a fully meaningful idea when it became plausible to suppose that there was no hitherto undiscovered , unmapped , corner of the world where man-like but sub-human creatures might still survive .
8 Hence gangs of navvies ( mainly Irish ) were set to work on the task of excavation and works ; they lived in mud huts , huts which would only offer the most primitive shelter from the elements .
9 It would only take a marginally improved thrust to give the aircraft a vastly improved ground-to-air time , a higher ceiling and a greatly boosted top airspeed . ’
10 A chaffinch that is isolated from birth will only sing a very crude chaffinch song when it comes to sing in its first year ( Figure 3.10b — compare the normal chaffinch song in Figure 3.10a ) .
11 The additional expense incurred in the purchase of dog will only deter the less enthusiastic .
12 The temperature will only rise a little this afternoon — we can expect around nine or ten degrees celsius , that 's about forty eight fahrenheit , but there will be a few spots in the east that will get a degree or two higher .
13 In such a situation the teacher can not choose when to use the programme , and unless it is a rebroadcast , he will only have a very general idea of what the programme will be about or what its language content will be ( vocabulary , grammar , structures , level of difficulty , appropriateness , etc ) .
14 One can only catechize a developmentally disabled person on the basis of the experience the person has .
15 When you try to analyse a painting using words , you can only manage a very questionable approximation , worse than questionable , because , after all , painting and art in general , especially visual art , is a language in itself , a visual language instead of a spoken language .
16 This , in turn , means that the female can only lay a relatively small number of eggs in a clutch .
17 A reader of any given text can never be 100% sure of the writer 's original intentions ; they can only select the most likely interpretation of the marks on the paper , based on their outward appearance and the various sources of linguistic and general knowledge .
18 This means that manufacturers ' software can only provide the more basic requirements such as GET and PUT macros and record-formatting software .
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