Example sentences of "[vb mod] take up [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Presumably Hurd and Baker do not mean by this that Hamas , the Gaza-based fundamentalist movement dedicated to destroying Israel ( unlike the PLO ) , should take up the official torch of Palestinian independence !
2 We 'll take up a general collection .
3 Mum and Dad are no doubt just wishing he 'd take up an indoor sport instead .
4 My school grades would plummet , I 'd become virtually anorexic and I 'd take up the oddest hobbies to please my loved one .
5 You do need some space to work , though ; the AccuCard needs clearance of around two inches , which may take up the adjacent slot .
6 A subject may take up the hypnotic suggestion that he is unable to bend his arm : ‘ He is actively , deliberately , voluntarily keeping his elbow stiff while simultaneously orchestrating for himself the illusion that he is really trying his best to bend it . ’
7 But the day was saved by Everett , who agreed — after pressurizing his boss , Alastair Morton — that Guinness Mahon would take up the remaining shares .
8 I shall take up the individual cases that the hon. Gentleman has brought to my attention and give as detailed an answer on them as possible .
9 However , now back in London and feeling more adventurous , I shall take up the wooden spoon once again and brave the kitchen .
10 MORE than 50 teenagers from County Durham will take up a sporting challenge from France next week .
11 For another , with a large brain the boundaries between areas will take up a smaller proportion of those areas than in small brains .
12 Even a fifteen-minute programme will take up a considerable amount of lesson time if it is used at all flexibly , with pauses for discussion and repeat viewings of some sections .
13 ‘ I suppose all the sorting out at the flat will take up the spare time for quite a while .
14 Secondly , two in-depth case studies ( probably of Birmingham and Manchester ) will take up the central question of why some women 's initiatives are effective while others , with initially similar aims are not .
15 I will take up the latter point both in my Department and with my right hon. Friend the Home Secretary .
16 Some , such as Advent , can take up a certain amount of moisture , but also dry quickly .
17 Many sacks use texturised nylon fabrics with a sort of natural feel which can take up a certain amount of moisture but dry off quickly .
18 Multi-party cases are notoriously difficult to analyse as individual cases benefit from standardisation , but generic work can take up a whole caseload .
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