Example sentences of "[vb mod] not [be] [vb pp] that the " in BNC.

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1 It must not be concluded that the Sahara was well watered in the Pleistocene : it probably had a hot steppe type climate rather than a true desert climate as at present .
2 It must not be assumed that the absence of a 24-hour rhythm in newborn babies means that they have no rhythms at all .
3 It must not be assumed that the most likely date is in the centre of the range ; to quantify the distribution of the calendar dates , one of the probability methods ( which require computerisation ) must be used .
4 The Labyrinth dominates our thinking about Knossos , but it must not be forgotten that the temple was surrounded by a Minoan city , most of which remains unexcavated .
5 Of course it is often possible to distinguish ‘ strong ’ and ‘ weak ’ ministers ; but it must not be forgotten that the comparatively temporary incumbent of the top position of a large organization may be just lucky or unlucky — in arriving when key advisers are likely to agree that exciting innovations are necessary , or conversely in finding that the consolidation of existing policies , or the confronting of unpleasant realities , is more important than the policy changes he or she cherishes .
6 It must not be forgotten that the first person to give evidence about the injuries is going to be the plaintiff .
7 It should not be imagined that the tiny Party élite at either of these provincial levels could maintain a tight hold .
8 She is right to draw our attention to the importance of signalling in both ‘ actual living and theatre ’ , but it should not be assumed that the same kinds of signs are employed in these two contexts .
9 Even so , it should not be assumed that the abolition of public examinations would necessarily put an end to transmission styles of teaching .
10 Instead we will discuss together all design variations in each particular field ; within a field it should not be assumed that the more complex facilities are the later ones , since evolution has often been towards simplifying systems from the programmer 's viewpoint .
11 Similarly , it should not be assumed that the discovered attitude is necessarily any ‘ truer ’ than the preceding one , rather as if an unconscious motivation had been dragged from the gloom of the id into the bright light of the ego .
12 This suggests that in studies of material representation it should not be assumed that the consumption of a given group will be represented as a coherent and consistent set of forms .
13 It should not be assumed that the royal and princely feuds of this period necessarily brought the Northumbrian kingdom into serious governmental disarray .
14 Also it should not be assumed that the vendor will wish solely to extract the profit from the company .
15 2.41 He went on to say that it should not be assumed that the wife 's dependency ought to be calculated on the footing that it would have ceased when her husband ceased earning before he reached 65 .
16 However , as the features of capital instruments may vary widely , it should not be presumed that the disclosures required by the [ draft ] FRS will in all circumstances be sufficient for the financial statements to give a true and fair view .
17 The 40-year gap between the First and Second Empires had in no way diminished the ability of these people to perform their functions properly and with dignity , and it should not be thought that the Court of Napoleon III had a sort of second-hand quality about it .
18 ‘ Democratic activities can be carried out , but it should not be forgotten that the Tatmadaw ( army ) is the life of the nation , ’ warned a slogan in the government-run Working People 's Daily .
19 Bernard Shaw , the Webbs and their small circle led the way and it should not be forgotten that the Fabian Society , which they founded , is today stronger than ever , no less idealistic and no less a major influence in the councils of the party .
20 However , although the sale of a nationalised industry will provide a once-off boost for government finance , it should not be forgotten that the profits of the company , once privatised , will thereafter accrue to the private shareholders and not to the government , thereby reducing government revenues in the future .
21 However , it should not be forgotten that the unofficial populist ideas of the rank and file , particularly with regard to anti-semitism , unemployment and political violence , were often significantly different from the formulations of the leadership .
22 Lastly , it should not be forgotten that the common law , through the restraint of trade doctrine , has a potential role to play .
23 It should not be forgotten that the Modular Course has expanded in an expanding Polytechnic .
24 It should not be forgotten that the advent of 1/1/93 is viewed as a very mixed blessing in Dover — several freight agents apparently walked out on a speech given by Christopher Jackson MEP to a local chamber of commerce meeting recently .
25 In accordance with that view , the final conclusion expressed by the Advocate General was that , in the circumstances of the Conforama and Marchandise cases , it could not be concluded that the obstacles created exceeded what was necessary for the attainment of the objective pursued or that they were out of proportion thereto .
26 In Rogers v. Parish ( Scarborough ) Ltd. ( 1986 ) the Court of Appeal said it could not be assumed that the statutory definition of merchantable quality ( which dates from 1973 ) was merely a codification of earlier judicial pronouncements upon the meaning of merchantable quality ; pre-1973 cases therefore should not be relied upon .
27 Mr McCormick submitted that if any one of the mother 's reasons was possibly valid then it could not be said that the mother 's refusal to consent was outside the reasonable band .
28 When the last payment was made on 12 February 1990 , it could not be said that the accountants would necessarily be benefited by a surplus of £2,310 to set against fees for work done earlier but unpaid .
29 ( 3 ) That since it could not be said that the jury would inevitably have convicted the defendant if before the trial the defence had been given the statement of the deceased 's husband and the two statements of her sister , if the jury had properly been directed with regard to evidence as to the defendant 's previous good character , and if they had received guidance from the judge on their problem concerning the evidence , the proviso to section 14(1) of the Judicature ( Appellate Jurisdiction ) Act could not be applied to uphold the conviction ; and that , accordingly , the case would be remitted to the Court of Appeal of Jamaica with the direction that it should quash the conviction and either enter a verdict of acquittal or order a new trial , whichever it considered proper in the interests of justice ( post , p. 169C–D , G–H ) .
30 In the case of two of the charges , the court held that , Mrs. Aboody having come to the bank herself to execute the charges , it could not be said that the bank left it to the husband to obtain the wife 's signature .
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