Example sentences of "[vb mod] not [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The basic fiduciary duties may be summarised as follows : ( 1 ) The " no conflict " rule : the fiduciary must not place himself in a position where his own interest conflicts with that of his [ customer ] , the beneficiary ; ( 2 ) The " no profit " rule : the fiduciary must not profit from his position at the expense of his [ customer ] ; ( 3 ) The undivided loyalty rule : a fiduciary owes undivided loyalty to his [ customer ] , the beneficiary , and therefore must not place himself in a position where his duty towards one [ customer ] conflicts with a duty that he owes to another [ customer ] .
2 The basic fiduciary duties may be summarised as follows : ( 1 ) The " no conflict " rule : the fiduciary must not place himself in a position where his own interest conflicts with that of his [ customer ] , the beneficiary ; ( 2 ) The " no profit " rule : the fiduciary must not profit from his position at the expense of his [ customer ] ; ( 3 ) The undivided loyalty rule : a fiduciary owes undivided loyalty to his [ customer ] , the beneficiary , and therefore must not place himself in a position where his duty towards one [ customer ] conflicts with a duty that he owes to another [ customer ] .
3 a duty of undivided loyalty — although the exact extent of this duty is uncertain , it may be argued that a conglomerate , when acting as a fiduciary , must not place itself in a position where its duty to one client conflicts with that of another client .
4 One of a director 's fiduciary duties of particular relevance in management buy-outs is that he must not put himself in a position where his duty to the company may conflict with his personal interest .
5 The principle which underlay the concept of Jubilee , ( that all land alienated during the preceding fifty years was to be returned to its original owner or his descendants ) was that each family should not find itself in a position in which it was permanently barred from owning land , the vital productive asset in that economy .
6 It depends on matters such as physical attributes and abilities of individuals , their monetary resources , the availability of mechanized means of transport and the appropriate infrastructure ; but it does not depend on the opportunities that may or may not present themselves as a result of moving : accessibility alone incorporates this feature ( Moseley 1979a ) .
7 But he was n't very good , and even to please her ( which was his only motive for practising ) he could not make himself into a musician .
8 ( I should point out that I could not bring myself to a Japanese option ! )
9 Ellen was emphatic : — I could not take myself to a Foreign Land as you did Lily and never wanted such a thing and though you would be there that alone would in no way satisfy me and I should be afraid .
10 Kate was a woman in every sense of the word , and she was a woman who would not give herself to a man lightly .
11 But this text clearly belongs to the period after Alexander , though I would not commit myself to a Maccabean date .
12 I wished that I was less inhibited by my upbringing and could have done some extraordinary thing to confirm her diagnosis — danced on the table or stated that I would n't ally myself with a man with a face like a toothpaste advertisement .
13 The second job of the day is to light the stove , a monument in itself , taking up a quarter of the thatched hut with its various extensions — a sill ( pod ) with an area for keeping dishes warm ( chestok ) , niches ( pechurki ) for small objects and matches , holes on the side for drying out leg and foot wrappings ( for lack of shoes ) , holes near the summit for reviving chilled hens in winter , and on the triumphal summit worn clothing on which to stretch out and sleep in the delicious warmth — ‘ U hholodnoi pechi ne sogreesh'sia ’ ( ‘ You ca n't heat yourself at a cold stove ’ ) .
14 But it is unlikely — despite disclosure of business rules — that the less aware will not find themselves on a spectacularly high-risk syndicate which had in the past played safe .
15 But it is unlikely — despite disclosure of business rules — that the less aware will not find themselves on a spectacularly high-risk syndicate which had in the past played safe .
16 Are you saying that there are molecules out there in space which we just can not form ourselves in a laboratory ?
17 But you can not make yourself into a cricketer .
18 ( Note that you can not nominate yourself for a place . )
19 Many times I see a nameless beauty and my soul is moved , but my words can not contort themselves into a likeness of this beauty .
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