Example sentences of "[vb mod] be [vb pp] at [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 It requires that such transfers should be made at the lower of cost and net realisable value at the date of transfer .
2 In addition , arrangements should be reached at an earlier juncture for withdrawal of Russian troops and for representatives from the Russian zone to join the governing commission .
3 In circumstances which must be explained at a later stage the appeal is before the Board both by leave of the Court of Appeal in Hong Kong and by special leave granted by the Board itself .
4 In other chairs the arm is integral to the front and back legs , and must be fitted at an earlier stage .
5 In a simple constant frequency system , however , the clock must be set at the lower of the two rates to ensure reliable starting and stopping .
6 In some situations holiday arrangements might be organised at a lower level in the organisation , particularly in specialist areas , such as operating theatres , where interchange of staff between departments is less easy .
7 She 'll be sentenced at a later date .
8 She 'll be sentenced at a later date .
9 Thus unacceptable strings could be rejected at an earlier stage , leaving fewer for the lexical look-up to check .
10 Once goods had been brought to a European port , they could be re-exported at a higher price to other European countries that had no direct trade across the sea , so a good many of the calculations about trade were concerned with re-exporting goods which had not been processed into an improved form but were simply being sent to a place where they commanded some additional scarcity value .
11 If therefore the waters of the sea showed no signs of depletion of fish , an increased supply could be produced at a lower price after a time sufficiently long to enable the normal action of economic causes to work itself out . [ … ]
12 They therefore recommended that AEA should be encouraged to push the government restrictions ( for example , AEA is not allowed to manufacture non-nuclear products ) to the limits and then , if successful , the restrictions could be removed at a later stage .
13 144 , it was ruled that the somewhat similar provision in the English Act of 1910 against adjourning for over a month struck only at the consideration of new business and that matters before the court at the general or adjourned meeting could be considered at a further adjournment out with the month .
14 144 , it was ruled that the somewhat similar prohibition in the English Act of 1910 against adjourning for over a month struck only at consideration of new business , and that matters before the court at the general or adjourned meeting could be considered at a further adjournment outwith the month .
15 It might be held so that this currency in turn could be used at a later date to make foreign purchases of goods or services , a method often used to hedge exchange risk .
16 in severe cases the affected fish may be treated at a higher dose 10mg per litre in a separate hospital tank , for five days .
17 Auto-dialling and remote access is possible from touch-tone telephones and electronic mail and voice-mail functions may be incorporated at a later date .
18 A cash alternative may be offered at a lower price than the share offer but such an alternative may be safer if this is likely to happen .
19 Bryan Gould , Labour 's trade and industry spokesman , has said that the industry may be renationalised at a lower price than it is sold for .
20 The grounds of appeal are not viewed formally and may be enlarged at a later stage .
21 The violins may be doubled at the higher octave by a flute or two with very good effect .
22 ITV also announced this week that , with the agreement of the Football League , they had taken out the Arsenal v Liverpool match from the fixtures for February 24 and it would be played at a later date , invoking a clause in their contract with the League that allows them to use three matches a season in this way .
23 Contracting out of other services within Westminster SSD will be extended at a later stage , said Windiate .
24 The remaining three sections will be constructed at a later date to link between the eastern end of the Colinton Section and the Musselburgh Bypass .
25 The two men accused with Bedworth , who pleaded guilty to a number of charges , will be sentenced at a later date .
26 Where work can be done by a less senior collegue it will be charged at a lower rate .
27 Following the European stint , they embark on a ten-date British tour on May 15 , details of which will be announced at a later date .
28 Already the atmosphere is such that companies such as Chubb Insurance Company of Europe is advising client directors to make concerted efforts not only to be familiar with all aspects of their companies ' activities but to take prudent action at the boardroom table : right down to ensuring all documents are prepared ‘ with the expectation that they will be scrutinised at a later date by others who are looking for evidence of wrongdoings ’ , that detailed minutes are taken , and that they should vote against any proposal rather than abstain because abstention could be construed as approval .
29 This assumption will be removed at a later stage .
30 Her former boyfriend David Odey from Penhill pleaded not guilty to the same charge and will be tried at a later date .
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