Example sentences of "[vb mod] be [adj] [verb] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Income from sales of their publications , conference profits etc , combined with assistance from state library associations , should be adequate to cover their administrative expenses .
2 China , whilst approving the airport plan in principle , had been insistent that it should be able to set its own terms for the size and financing of the project .
3 The memorandum was widely seen as a victory for the Chinese side in the negotiations , with the UK effectively agreeing to Chinese demands that it should be able to set its own terms for the size and financing of the project .
4 A winner of two handicaps this season , Azhar is as tough as they come and should be able to hold his own in this stronger company .
5 With care he should be able to dangle his right leg over the sill and follow it with his right arm and his head .
6 Some of these are always difficult — even for adults — but by seven , she should be able to do them all without any help from you .
7 They should be able to record their first thoughts , capture immediate responses and collect and organise ideas so that they are available for reflection .
8 As words are confirmed , all levels should be able to improve their future results .
9 Now I promise to devote myself to bringing down the costs of your mortgages because I believe that people should be able to own their own homes and to own them cheaply . ’
10 In the second category , general civil cases , parties should be able to choose their own lawyers because the interests of justice would be inherently less likely to fetter the client 's right of choice .
11 It would be good for the Hong Kong citizens , and it would be inconsistent for Thatcher not to do this , since she has said , for the Falklands , that a people should be able to choose their own government , and we should n't give in to dictatorships .
12 Whereas Moscow tried to pose as the champion of German unity therefore , the West posed as the defender of German liberty , arguing that reunification must only come after free nation-wide elections , and that Germany should be able to choose its own Allies .
13 It continues : ’ and that they should be able to use their professional judgment on matters such as the timing and dosage of drugs prescribed by doctors for pain relief . ’
14 It does n't offer you a definition , but by the end of the chapter you should be able to give your own definition of what it would be like if you were more assertive .
15 A key question is whether firms should be able to decide which regulatory body to join .
16 Tissues should be able to support themselves unaided before sutures are removed .
17 I should be able to tie it all up tomorrow . ’
18 It 'll take a few trips , but I should be able to get everybody involved in this mess back home eventually . ’
19 Because we should be able to get our planned allowance and our do so many cubic metres of concrete this was the allowance for it .
20 The new drives were launched at the Comdex PC exhibition in Las Vegas , so our editor should be able to tell you all about them .
21 You should be able to know them all
22 ‘ Pierre is a Leo — he should be able to keep your wayward sister in order . ’
23 Similarly , staff should be able to discuss their subsequent management regularly with an experienced supervisor ( Black and Pond 1980 ) .
24 Students should come not merely to know that such and such is the case , or that this procedure works , but should be able to offer their own account of why it is the case or why it works .
25 Having identified such certainty and fairness features , it should be easier to determine which contemporary variant will reinvigorate or replace the ocean bill of lading .
26 In the future , when you have become slim , the change from refined carbohydrate foods to their high-fibre alternatives should be sufficient to keep you that way .
27 In my Bill , for which I seek a Second Reading today , the provision is that Parliament should be elected by the single transferable vote in the first instance , but thereafter , in subsequent elections , Parliament should be free to determine its own electoral system as long as that is consistent with the principles of proportionality .
28 But they hope Colditz should be ready to accept its new inmates within a few years .
29 ‘ And you have your Steve back , ’ he accused darkly , ‘ and it should be enough to satisfy us all , but it is n't because sometimes affairs leave behind a tangled web of anguish .
30 It must be awful to have it all taken out of one 's hands and have nothing to do but wait — and for what ?
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