Example sentences of "[vb mod] be [verb] [to-vb] at the " in BNC.

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1 The corrective operation could not be undertaken until the child was three months old , and the doctor recommended that the child should be allowed to stay at the hospital until she was due for surgery , her condition producing difficulties in feeding .
2 Students should be encouraged to look at the other information in the financial accounting system to see if it would be helpful for managers in terms of monitoring , planning or control .
3 I would suggest that care should be taken to talk at the client 's level — including use of the client 's terminology .
4 It is no longer enough to make a simple count of publications ; some attempt must be made to look at the informational content ( bibliographies ) , peer group assessment ( citations ) , and long-term value to the academic community ( review articles ) .
5 It is no longer enough to make a simple count of publications ; some attempt must be made to look at the informational content ( bibliographies ) , peer group assessment ( citations ) , and long-term value to the academic community ( review articles ) .
6 First , the Attorney General Sir Nicholas Lyell , must be persuaded to look at the case .
7 ‘ You had better change the lock on the door , ’ she had teased , ‘ because I might be tempted to peep at the manuscript . ’
8 Erm she would ask that and fine that impose today er , could be paid by her at the rate of five pounds per week erm , she er runs a car her invalidity income amounts to forty six pounds fifteen pence per week and she also receives a super annuation payment from her former employers Goldeson 's Hospital at the rate of a hundred and three pounds per month but she and her husband do have to er to run the home and er , and run the house er , run run the car and she would ask that she 'll be allowed to pay at the rate of five pound per week .
9 But it is just such a view that could be said to lie at the heart of a second major theory of social stratification that has emerged more recently in sociology : the functionalist theory of stratification .
10 The members of such groups typically believe that their specially created cameras are the only camerae lucidae ; if only people could be persuaded to peep at the world through their lenses , all other cameras would be condemned to political obscurity .
11 Castleton makes a suitable base and heading west towards the ridge , you may be tempted to pause at the Speedwell , Treak Cliff and Blue John caverns .
12 The Court would be bound to look at the matter from the latter point of view .
13 And most frustrating of all would be having to witness at the conclusion of each such anecdote otherwise decent employees shaking their heads in wonder and uttering phrases like : ‘ That Mr Neighbours , he really is the best . ’
14 Will he confim that if unemployment figures were counted today on the same basis as they were in 1979 employment Ministers would be forced to stand at the Dispatch Box and admit that the number of economically active people who are unemployed in Great Britain today is 3.75 million ?
15 Over-provision has a sort of knock-on effect that er whatever we provide this time , we shall be asked to provide at the next revision of the structure plan and so if we can keep some land back this time , then that might be what we offer next time , we have to roll forward the structure plan .
16 If no safe and adequate access or no adequate unloading facilities there exist then transit shall be deemed to end at the expiry of one clear day after notice in writing ( or by telephone if so previously agreed in writing ) of the arrival of the Consignment at the Carrier 's premises has been sent to the consignee ; and
17 I welcome the initiative that have already been started within the County and I shall be going to look at the site which is being offered to us , er but I do feel that we should be progressing these matters as soon as possible .
18 Rocky himself , currently in a Texas mental hospital , will be released to play at the launch party !
19 Rocky himself , currently in a Texas mental hospital , will be released to play at the launch party !
20 Conversely , if the rent is payable quarterly in arrear the term will be taken to begin at the first moment of 26 March , so that the last payment of rent will fall due on the last day of the term rather than the day after its expiry by effluxion of time .
21 At the same time you will be required to attend at the police station for a formal interview . ’
22 Arrangement can be made to stay at the Hotel at a greatly reduced price .
23 To get round the fact that the CSMA/CD carrier-sense multiple access with collision detection protocol prevents two nodes from transmitting data at the same time , so that video signals could get interrupted , isochronous Ethernet time-stamps the packets so they can be guaranteed to arrive at the recipient 's computer at the same time .
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