Example sentences of "[vb mod] be [verb] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It 's now been handed over to the District Council I think they should be looking at it as a .
2 If the trustees have power to pay or do in fact pay capital transfer tax due on assets which the settlor puts into the settlement the Revenue have taken the view that the settlor has thereby an interest in the income or property of the settlement , and that the income of the settlement should be treated as his for income tax purposes under [ TA 1988 Part XV ] .
3 Requests for further information about the programme should be made to him at the address given at the end of this section .
4 That enhancement scheme is being prepared now and reference should be made to it in this document in respect of .
5 If the house is placed in the names of outsider trustees , then a separate declaration of trust should be made by them to evidence the terms upon which they hold the property .
6 There are rules for deciding how much is taxable , and these should be explained to her by the insurance company with which she is dealing .
7 Entries should be sent to him by 1 June at the Office of Public Service and Science , Cabinet Office , .
8 Any representations which you may have on the proposal should be sent to me within the next 10 days .
9 Thus , in order to increase the perceived representativeness of the National Council of the Resistance and to dilute the influence of the Communist Party within it , he insisted that all the major prewar parties — even the centrist and conservative parties which were mere phantoms in 1943 — should be represented in it alongside the new resistance movements .
10 Projects of this sort certainly do not call for an elaborate cost-benefit analysis ; resources should be assigned to them on the basis of a simple ‘ back-of-an-envelope ’ analysis or an informed subjective decision .
11 And who would have thought that as we face the 1990s the social and moral habits of the 1960s should be visited upon us in the guise of AIDS , which threatens to sweep across the world with all the terror and destruction of the black plague in the Middle Ages ?
12 You know , some patients I could think of seem to have the idea that everything should be done for them in hospital
13 Sir , I feel that regard should be had by you to the practicalities of the situation as well as to the submissions which I have made , in coming to your decision .
14 Beneath the oral history lies a sad text of spies , betrayers , official reprisal and oppression , and heartrending devotion : ‘ Old Mrs Macdonald , after her guest had left the house , took the sheets in which he had lain , folded them carefully , and charged her daughter that they should be kept unwashed , and that , when she died , her body should be wrapped in them as a winding sheet .
15 To counteract such baneful influence , they should be removed from it into an educational programme designed to instil a proper sense of their place in society , of the duties attached to it and of the importance of attending to the teachings of the established Church .
16 When applying a varnish , the brush should be dipped into it for about one-third of the length of the bristles and then , holding the brush in a similar way to a pencil , with the fingers holding the metal ferrule and the handle resting between the thumb and first finger , spread the varnish quickly and evenly over a small area .
17 The balance due should be paid by you at least six weeks prior to departure .
18 He should eat his fill of watermelon ( ‘ the best of all fruits ’ ) and ‘ rice boiled with spices should be preferred by him to all other eatables . ’
19 We are looking at or , we will be looking at all grants that are made by all committees , to decide which ones in our view should be recommended to you to be treated as a corporate kind of grant .
20 He should be waiting for you in the transport yard at the back . ’
21 should be fighting for her on this not giving way
22 Letters to the Editor should be addressed to him at Convocation Office on the understanding that they may be edited .
23 Letters to the Editor should be addressed to him at Convocation Office on the understanding that they may be edited .
24 The congratulatory letter should be addressed to him at Turnbull Hall .
25 On the premise that ‘ too many cooks spoil the broth ’ , he asks us to reiterate that day to day management of the Village is in the hands of the Warden , Mrs. Pat Holmes , and any guidance , questions or advice on such matters should be addressed to her in the first instance .
26 It 's worn well ; David must be looking after it with a coat of stop-rot now and then . ’
27 The full balance of the holiday cost must be received by us at least 8 weeks before the departure date please note that you will not receive a reminder that final payment is due .
28 Homogeneous catalysts are compounds of metals that dissolve in the reaction mixture and which must be separated from it at the end .
29 The instruction following a label must be separated from it by at least one space .
30 But he said the people must be well educated on this and everything must be explained to them before any steps are taken .
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