Example sentences of "[vb mod] have [been] [adv] [conj] a " in BNC.

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1 If the police had not given us the benefit of the doubt , I should have been more than a little proud to go to jail in his company , together with the Cup .
2 An officer for nearly 40 years , he should have been more than a match for a 24-year-old civilian but the first brush between the two sides , though neither commander was present in person , suggested otherwise .
3 Mar was initially joined by eighteen lords , bringing with them some 5,000 men , which should have been more than a match for the 1,500 regular troops stationed in Scotland .
4 After two hours , I reached firmer ground but became concerned that I could not see a four hundred foot escarpment which , according to the map , should have been less than a mile ahead .
5 It seems to me now that I must have been more than a little simple , because I received a telephone call from the home the very next day .
6 The smallest insect alive during the Age of Dinosaurs must have been more than a million times smaller than Brontosaurus .
7 Benjamin must have been more than a little interested by all the information this sheet of paper contained , principally because he had scarcely known his own father , who had died before he was two years old .
8 And when Kennedy was shot , the ‘ psycho ’ Hoover botched the FBI investigation personally , ignoring evidence that there might have been more than a single gunman involved , sending agents to question the background of the Warren Commission 's staff , punishing his own agents for failing to spot Oswald 's violent nature .
9 Send one of them to talk to this chap Jordan — Fowler will do it very well ; he 'd have been more than a match for the Ancient Mariner .
10 And it may have been here that a Staufen protest to the pope was drawn up .
11 Just one star , just one memorable song , just one really spectacularly staged number , and the Leonardo effort would have been more than a might-have-been .
12 the motive was to steal scrap metal from the company the amount of metal would have been less than a couple of hundred pounds so quite a minor incident in itself .
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