Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] [v-ing] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 The knees should be pointing at the same angle as the toes .
2 We had discussed this business of how people 's appearance literally alters in the eyes of their lovers , and suddenly I blushed , for it seemed to me he must be remembering this too , and that we must be looking for the same thing , as one might take down an old book in a moment of hungry nostalgia and start to re-read , hoping it may provide the same remembered enchantment as before .
3 Marriage wo n't be a big change for them as they 'll be living in the same place , you know .
4 That 's a lot to stay in because that 's in the script is n't it , you can say that , because I 'll be ringing at the same time on Thursday .
5 So they 'll be looking at the same information as we are .
6 Okay , so I mean they sa they all do say they 'll be talking at the same time , but as I say , th that bit goes there .
7 Liz , from King 's Lynn , Norfolk , said : ‘ I am just sorry that families we know could be going through the same feelings we had when our men left for the Gulf .
8 Most people regard the sex act as a uniquely personal activity and find difficulty in imagining that anyone else could be suffering from the same problems as themselves .
9 Moreover , on some occasions ( and the present scenario could well be one ) the economic and social pressures may be pushing in the same direction as educational forces .
10 Furthermore , we have not dealt clearly enough with the position of those students who may be living in the same property as their landlord .
11 There must also be no opportunity for anyone to claim that you have been given , or are giving , preferential treatment which puts you or others at an advantage , for example , over other organisations who may be tendering for the same work or other colleagues working for the organisation .
12 She had signed a contract and besides , why should she pass up six weeks ' apprenticeship with a top-flight designer because she and Nicolo Sabatini would be living in the same city ?
13 I remember a statement ( Mr. Baldwin ) had made two or three years before , that probably the time was not too far distant when he and Mr MacDonald would be sitting in the same Cabinet . "
14 As she went from the room , Beth could hear Cissie moaning behind her , and knew they would be going through the same old argument when she returned to the kitchen .
15 Tomorrow former Blue Peter presenter Mark Curry will be bounding around the same stage in frock and wig as Lord Fancourt Babberley in the centenary staging of the Brandon Thomas farce .
16 We will in fact be er I mean I advertise in the er I am a client of his and we will we will be looking at the same he will be a competitor of ours in some fields .
17 This summer he will be holidaying with the same friends with whom he shared his Holiday in Hell ( page 50 ) , although their destination this time is in the South of France .
18 And in the middle of June the bridge office will be going through the same exercise and June the nineteenth , I think , it 's the Monday everyone within the group will be working to the group 's quality systems .
19 One last piece of unrelated news … on teletext ( no hint of Rocky/stewart swaps BTW ) , the team news suggests that we will be starting with the same side as vs Oldham , ie beeney and Wetherall still in .
20 HP 's chief operating officer , executive vice president Dean Morton , will be retiring at the same time .
21 Not surprisingly Antrim will be relying on the same side that finished that day .
22 Thirdly , just as cross-linguistic comparisons can reveal general functions of language by contrasts between what is encoded in one language and not in another , so comparisons across stages of acquisition can be revealing in the same way ( Ochs , 1979a ) .
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