Example sentences of "[vb mod] [vb infin] at [adj] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I understand from 's nephew that the electric convector in the sitting room is dead , and shall speak to about some kind of replacement , though there is of course the second convector in the bedroom which should suffice at this time of year .
2 He developed the habit of carrying a book of poetry in his pocket , which he might open at any time for a swig of the sublime .
3 To summarise so far : a ) False sensations or sensory illusions may occur at any time in a pilot 's career and in fact commonly do occur in the normal course of events .
4 Although in theory the organism could reproduce at any time during its growth phase , we can expect that eventually an optimum time for reproduction would emerge .
5 He thought he had probably broken it , but there was little he could do at this time of night .
6 St. Leonard 's Street , Sheepmarket and Broad Street were notorious arenas for these events which could occur at any time through the winter months .
7 The changes imposed were just about as much as the Services could take at that time without loss of morale and fighting efficiency .
8 Consequently , without having to decide whether the right of registration is a retained power or whether the Community could legislate at any time in that field , it must be held that in exercising that competence the member states must comply with the general rules of the E.E.C .
9 Students may apply at any time during the academic year .
10 2 In the event of the Manager ceasing to be an employee or Director of the Company as a result of dismissal or retirement [ or redundancy ] [ or death ] there shall be deemed to have been given a Transfer Notice in respect of his entire holding of shares and the price of such shares shall be : ( a ) if a dismissal or retirement [ or redundancy ] [ or death ] shall occur prior to … the lower of cost and Market Value ; or ( b ) if the dismissal or retirement [ or death ] shall occur at any time after
11 Some naturalists believe that tigers will mate at any time of year .
12 LANACANE gives you fast , long-lasting relief from sensitive , embarrassing external itching you can experience at any time of the month .
13 The landlord can opt at any time without consulting the tenant .
14 You can send at any time over the next six months , but the final date of entry is .
15 Food allergy generally begins in childhood , while food intolerance can begin at any time of life .
16 This work may start early in the day as is local practice and can occur at any time of the season .
17 Apart from accidental injury at birth , accidents can occur at any time in life which may cause mental handicap .
18 " Slips " can occur at any time in recovery , even after many years or decades and can be much more distressing than the simple term implies .
19 Children who have been integrated into mainstream schools can return at any time for help and are called back at six-monthly intervals for checks .
20 Feeling sick is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy and can happen at any time of day , not just the morning .
21 With a new personal pension , you can retire at any time between 50 and 75 .
22 It is the solid tower into which he can flee at any time for sanctuary .
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