Example sentences of "[vb mod] [vb infin] [adv prt] [adv] the same " in BNC.

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1 The hypnosis session over , I suggested to Joyce that she should run through exactly the same set of images at least once every day for the next two weeks .
2 And it would seem similarly improbable , for the same statistical reasons , that two lines of evolution should converge on exactly the same endpoint from different starting points .
3 You can put any kind of gauzes in , as fine as you like , they 'll silt up just the same , there 's so much crap in the system .
4 Filial imprinting is known to restrict preferences to the familiar ( see Bateson , 1979 ) , and sexual imprinting could operate in exactly the same way .
5 Moreover , white holes , by acting as conduits to bring new material and spacetime into new regions of the Universe , would act in rather the same way as ‘ Little Bangs ’ , at least on the local level ( the ‘ locality ’ , of course , being extremely large ) .
6 It would work in exactly the same way as a general rise in rates .
7 Lord Tebbit claimed that if Britain said ‘ no ’ , the Community would go on just the same as it did yesterday .
8 On parade Major Clark-Kennedy MC informed his troops life would go on just the same under a Queen .
9 Clearly , the railways will run in precisely the same way whether the railwaymen use this facility or not , so there is no extra charge to the Railways Board itself , therefore there would be no taxable benefits .
10 Provided you use the " Printer Editor " ( ) to configure the Print Filter for your printer , your programs will work in exactly the same way irrespective of the printer in use .
11 And you , with no less impeccable logic , will work out just the same thing .
12 It is surprising how easy it is for businessmen to assume that other nationalities will react in exactly the same way as they themselves do .
13 Prices will move in exactly the same way as they would move in a world in which buyers and sellers were able to learn from their market experience .
14 In 1992 , a first controlled study showed that H pylori positive gastric ulcer disease will respond in exactly the same way as duodenal ulcer disease does .
15 Even if the court can not point to the actual error , nevertheless , if the figure is so extravagantly large or so inadequately small that the only conclusion is that he must have gone wrong somewhere , then the court will interfere in much the same way as the Court of Appeal will interfere with an award of damages if it is a wholly erroneous estimate .
16 It is assumed therefore that virtually all children will travel along broadly the same curricular path in English , but that some will move more quickly , and further , than others ; and some may be around the level 1 attainments for the whole of their school careers .
17 In a way , yes it does , but because of the common denominator — DOS — it can function in exactly the same way .
18 Recently our campaign on mental health problems showed that these people can recover in much the same way as people who have physical health problems .
19 This provision can apply in much the same circumstances as section 24 , namely where someone who has sold goods to one person then later re-sells them to another .
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