Example sentences of "[vb mod] [vb infin] [to-vb] at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was also suggested that theologians may need to look at the theology of play in order to gain a more positive understanding of the entertainment role of the media .
2 In a design of this kind , where the flowers and leaves are built up in layers , you should try to look at the outline that will be visible ( in this case , the outer leaves ) , and make sure that they are lying at pleasing angles .
3 You should try to look at the situation objectively and philosophically , and , if you can , keep a sense of humour .
4 The functions of the organisation should therefore be kept in mind in data analysis , even though in principle data analysis should attempt to look at the organisation independent of any processes .
5 There had been concern that ETA might seek to strike at the Expo 92 Universal Exhibition in Seville , held from April 20 to Oct. 12 , or at the Olympic Games in Barcelona ( July 25-Aug. 9 ) .
6 When the Archimandrite suggested that the two ladies might like to lodge at the monastery that night , she was briefly dismissive ; when he pressed his offer of hospitality further , she was brusque .
7 erm then erm what I 'll do I 'll pick it up next week and that will obviously show you a bit more about Abbey Life and any , any of your friends or anybody you think might , might like to look at the video erm you know just to give them an insight , people you mentioned erm to me that you perhaps know you 'd like to pass the video on to them to have a look erm and if er er you 've got my number and if you want to ring me then I can get some more videos if you think other people might be interested I 'm quite happy to pass them on , on to you as well , okay ?
8 And what he said , was , ‘ Well now , I 'll have to start at the beginning .
9 No it 's too late for that now , we 'll have to start at the beginning .
10 Erm , then after that we 'll have to look at the floor , but there 's no point in doing the floor until the decorating is done is there ? and the roof sorted out .
11 Ship of the World , Knight Riders No you 'll have to look at the paper .
12 When evening came I was afraid I could n't trust her , because I did n't know how much you suspected , what clever questions you might have to get at the truth . ’
13 ( The court was explaining how to assess whether a procedure was an arbitration or a valuation : in that inquiry it might help to look at the profession of the umpire : see further 15.6 . )
14 I mean you 'd need to look at the touring schedules and things
15 If you started from the insect , and jumped like a demented flea half a trillion times , you could expect to arrive at the fox once .
16 ‘ I do n't think the question of a change is one we 'd like to answer at the moment , ’ a Football Association spokesman said .
17 Well , if they 'd like to come at the fire station with their money today , barring fire calls , when we 'll be out of course , or if they see the fire engine driving round Didcot and it has n't got its blue lights on and they want to flag us down , they 're more than welcome to .
18 I think the important point I 'd like to make at the outset is that when the review of the requirement was carried out it was carried out both nationally and on a four nation basis , the ministers , once that was complete , the ministers decided that and stated publicly in December ninety two , that we will continue with the existing airframe and engine combination and that each nation er based on a family of aircraft concept could decide from a menu which equipments it would fit according to their individual requirements and their budget and we looked individually at each of the items to see what impact it would have on the operational capability if we were to remove them and what erm was decided in the end and the requirement reflects this , was signed last month by the Chief Surveyor 's staff , is that some nations have decided to remove certain items of equipment but for the U K we felt that it was necessary to keep all the major items and therefore as far as the U K is erm impact on the operational requirement is concerned , there is no significant alteration in its operational capability and therefore in overall percentage terms there is no decrease in the capability at all .
19 ‘ If we were to look at the constitutional situation we may have to look at the position of the Princess Royal .
20 The user may wish to start at the beginning of the file , or at any other point .
21 1 Use of pipes The right to the free and uninterrupted passage and running of water sewage gas electricity telephone and other services or supplies from and to other parts of the Centre or any Adjoining Property in and through the Pipes which now are or may during the Term be in under or over the Premises This is a standard reservation and the tenant may wish to ascertain at the outset just exactly which are the pipes at the commencement of the term that will be the subject of this right .
22 ‘ There is no definite plan … if you were going to , you would want to go at the top , and we are still growing . ’
23 Er I would like to say at the outset that erm we we support the deposit version of the er the deposit version allocations of the alteration .
24 Erm , I would like to say at the start .
25 I am now writing to confirm that we would like to arrive at the factory at 3.30 pm on 13 June and to briefly film two areas of the Kit-Kat production line : the cascade of finished and wrapped bars and the slower moving line of unwrapped bars .
26 It would have to happen at the speed of light .
27 He saw the Brussels agreement being extended eventually to cover the whole of Western Europe , but each step would have to be thoroughly explored , and the overall character would have to remain at the level of intergovernmental cooperation .
28 It involved quick learning of the part , for she would have to appear at the matinée ; but in fact there were few lines to say , and most of the acting involved being laid on a sofa by a young man and proposed to , after various adventures which were mostly physical .
29 The answer is that even if everyone playing cards always had a certain sort of feeling when they trumped an opponent 's card and had another , different , feeling when they revoked , it would still be the case that to understand what it is to trump , and to revoke , we would have to look at the game itself , that is , at the use of trump-cards in the game .
30 I do n't know how I shall manage to look at the screen . ’
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