Example sentences of "[vb mod] [vb infin] [prep] [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 It was no use putting it off and she was sure that Ana should know at the same time .
2 If we look back to the middle years of the nineteenth century and to the debates about the extension of the franchise to the working class then hopes were expressed as to how voters should behave at the same time as there was anxiety and fear as to how they would actually behave .
3 The new Civil Code tried to adjust this anomaly by laying down that the right of ownership should lapse at the same time that the right of revendication lapses .
4 If you should divorce for a second time , you can claim on your second husband 's contribution record only .
5 However , although the resolutions of Congress specified that the revolution in Latin America could only be democratic-bourgeois at this stage , they also said that , because of the weakness of the national bourgeoisie and their links to imperialism , Latin American Communist parties should work at the same time for the eventual dictatorship of the proletariat .
6 Government must decide at the same time how much to spend and how to pay for spending .
7 Harman J decided that the injunction restraining a breach of confidence should expire at the same time as a restrictive covenant .
8 The handler should have a basic knowledge of the normal physiology of calving , and what should happen within an accepted time scale .
9 ‘ What we must have at the same time is a greater level of consistency and the kind of spirit that was evident against Rangers . ’
10 Who should pay for the wasted time of the dentist ? — I ? the bus driver ? the bus company ? or the clock manufacturer ?
11 It was a typical paradox that now , when he could , had he wished , have stayed for the whole autumn , he should leave before the allotted time was up .
12 ISO should reveal for the first time the fine details of star-birth .
13 No , they it 's the council collects it and in Uttlesford , that 's why I said we should get at the same time an Uttlesford councillor because I would
14 But ‘ real ’ memory must last for a longer time than such short-term effects as habituation and sensitization , and must show greater specificity .
15 Second , as regards durability , the goods should last for a reasonable time and any breach should be regarded as occurring at the time of supply rather than when the lack of durability became apparent .
16 the commentary must say for the first time what had , nonetheless , already been said [ by the original text ] and must tirelessly repeat what had never been said [ by other commentators ] .
17 When the Ottoman empire declared war on a foreign state its unfortunate representative in Constantinople was very often immediately thrown into the Seven Towers prison there , where he might stay for a considerable time .
18 However , Microsoft is expected to offer a single-user version of SQL Server for NT that 'll appear at the same time as the operating system which , according to reports , may cost less than $1,500 , and will be targeted at value-added resellers , integrators and corporate developers .
19 I 'll call at the usual time next Tues .
20 Does n't matter I mean , it 'll go for a long time you know .
21 Your Uncle Walter 'll go on a long time yet , you see . ’
22 That might seem like a long time , but the issues have clearly been complex , and have been progressed as quickly as possible not least through vigourous prodding by the D O E , keen to see approval of a long term development strategy for Greater York and more importantly , a statutory definition of the York gre greenbelt .
23 THE Queen might last for a considerable time but people are going to be questioning the role of the monarchy more and more .
24 Well they 'll last for a long time
25 Usually parents are permitted to stop using the alarm if the child has had fourteen to twenty-one dry nights , but need to be warned that the child may relapse for a short time .
26 Furthermore , loss of a spouse may occur at the same time as other bereavements .
27 Innovation may occur after a considerable time interval from invention .
28 We were both disappointed but Nellie said we could wait until the next time .
29 Reform has already begun : this weekend voters could choose for the first time a single named candidate for the lower house , instead of numbers on a party list .
30 Quick air-reinforcement with infantry was one thing , but any serious fighting or prolonged operations would need far heavier loads and greater tonnages of ammunition and supplies than the RAF could lift in the required time scale .
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