Example sentences of "[vb mod] [vb infin] [verb] [adv prt] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Your doctor may want to carry out an MSU ( mid-stream urine ) test , to find out whether bacteria are present in your bladder , and if so , which kind .
2 Occasionally , you may need to top up the water and to water the compost to keep it just damp .
3 Instinctively they may opt to carry out the minimum of conversation and close the interview as soon as they have supplied the list of solicitors .
4 But I find it totally incomprehensible that someone who has held the office of Chancellor with high standing for over six years should want to resign over a personality with such suddenness and haste . ’
5 I should 've tidied up a bit — that would 've made Mr Jackson think I 'm grown up enough to look after myself , but it 's too late now .
6 My horse went down a couple of times when we were riding along a shallow river The hooves must 've turned up the mud at the bottom and I 'm sorry but no amount of expert preparation can help you keep cool when a 500lb horse goes down on you .
7 I can therefore understand why at that awful moment he should seek to summon up a talisman of words , a secret defence against abomination , or perhaps even an excuse in the form of some kind of precedent that a word expresses and so takes the edge of uniqueness off the contemplated evil .
8 The Government should consider setting up a scheme to provide top-up money when residents ' families can not provide it themselves .
9 The trust should consider appointing out the assets to , say , X 's children so at least they have an argument that they ( X 's children ) can have the losses under TCGA 1992 , s71(2) .
10 Investors who would be badly upset by a further fall of perhaps a tenth in the value of their holdings , if the market turns sour , should consider weeding out a couple more of their holdings .
11 I know I must finish clearing up the lawn , but , before doing so , I decide to telephone Auntie to come over on her bike even though I know it will take her an hour to get here from Hambledown .
12 I do n't suggest that I think I should keep going on a year by year basis .
13 Very very erm suggestive metaphor although I do n't know exactly what it 's extraordinary one , erm erm erm , the , perhaps we should begin to step back a second here , to think about how we normally individuate things .
14 Then I suggested that , when she felt ready to do so , she should try to carry out the exercise in reality rather than simply in her imagination .
15 But I think we should try to find out the reason for your attitude .
16 You should try to build up a network of people you trust , based on your professional support team who know the patient 's case in detail .
17 As a general point , you should try to tie down the enemy 's best unit while you use your core troops to see off his second best troops .
18 An obvious extension of this is that they should attempt to break down the isolation between practitioners in different countries .
19 ‘ Surely someone should have checked out the complaints more carefully . ’
20 For many people the saddest aspect was the selectors ' policy of playing Randall at number three ; every fan in the country could have told them that he should have batted down the order and that exposing him so early was almost certain to fail .
21 4–4 They were unaware that they should have filled in a Schedule for Erection of New Charges but now did so .
22 The believe planners should have turned down the application .
23 But there is little civic pride in Maan that its actions should have set off the train of events .
24 By now you should have picked up the signs directing you back to the Cat & Fiddle .
25 The speed of descent must have cut down the exposure to any residual gas since he felt none of the earlier weirdness as he approached the still sealed engine room door .
26 The water really is n't that hot , usually , but my other one was fiddling with the boiler earlier — he must have turned up the thermostat .
27 In her haste to get away , she must have bundled up the documents and ledgers that she had been working on and brought them back with her .
28 He must have put up a bit of a struggle , but they were a persuasive bunch , those women , and the two nans in alliance were practically irresistible .
29 We thought the bumpy flight must have brought on a bout of air-sickness , but it was not so .
30 The trio were modifying the trolley with implements they must have brought in the pockets of the golf-bags .
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