Example sentences of "[vb mod] [vb infin] [noun] to [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although Bekenstein 's hypothesis that black holes have a finite entropy requires for its consistency that black holes should radiate thermally , at first it seems a complete miracle that the detailed quantum-mechanical calculations of particle creation should give rise to emission with a thermal spectrum .
2 all stock should have access to pasture during the grazing season
3 A professional mental health worker should have access to information concerning local support and self-help groups .
4 The latter form of interference may give rise to liability in nuisance .
5 ( 7.3 ) unc Divergence in one operand of a PAR may give rise to divergence in the complete construct , since an implementation may choose to run one argument until it can proceed no further before running another .
6 Tonight 's game against Turkey will not have any influence on USA'94 : we are alreay qualified — but a win might take Norway to top of the FIFA ranking and i guess all the players want to show that they can perform even in such a ‘ meaningless ’ game .
7 So you 'll take Paul to church in the morning will you ?
8 Now and then a circulating pirate might come face to face with a Familo thug , and there would be some ritual snarling and glaring .
9 Sooner or later you 'll come face to face with an evil creature .
10 Since the legal rules about the control of water pollution are expressed through the discretion of field officers it is important to understand their working definitions of pollution in terms of the kinds of events , activities , or social settings which could give rise to action on their part , whatever its ultimate conclusion .
11 Should an accident seriously damage one of the craft it could take years to gear up specialised production lines to build the larger replacement parts .
12 After thirty years , he could come face to face with the soldier who had spared his life .
13 Reluctantly she decided she must see it through , for Peter , and in some way for herself — she had to prove to herself that she could come face to face with Marc again and survive the ordeal .
14 So for once the sort of comment John would make face to face with other collaborators is actually recorded .
15 ( a ) The Criminal Law Revision Committee 's Eighth Report , Theft and Related Offences , Cmnd 2977 , 1966 , 41 , on which the 1968 Act was based , envisaged that some fact situations would give rise to liability under both ss.1 and 15 .
16 However , firms already have to face uncertainty in the context of UCTA and the criteria used to assess whether a duty of care which would give rise to liability in tort is owed .
17 The aim was to use the wealth from one natural resource , to fund a system that would return Mexico to self-sufficiency in basic foods .
18 Sometimes he and Hayward would invite friends to dinner at the Good Intent , a restaurant in the Kings Road , or entertain at home .
19 He was , in a sense , a member of the family : he would entertain spinsters to tea with Enid Faber and in the evening might read aloud from The Pickwick Papers or another suitable volume .
20 Having now met each other , it seemed that everywhere I went on camp I would come face to face with him , usually with his entourage of armourers fanning out behind him .
21 But she could not see all the way , it was feasible that he was on a lower flight and she would come face to face with him .
22 Tesseract will port Primrose to Unix by year end using Sequent Computer Systems Inc and Pyramid Technology Corp multi-processors .
23 This will give birth to humility in us , and humility will help us resist the temptation to play God to people .
24 Who will give priority to education for the Third Age ?
25 increase general awareness of the Commissioner and her role and to ensure , as far as reasonably practicable , that trade union members will have access to information about the assistance the Commissioner can provide and how to apply for that assistance
26 The hard fact is however that such altruistic dealers are still the rarity and more often than not the innocent computer customer will come face to face with an almost equally innocent computer sales person !
27 in addition the research will examine attitude to bilingualism as a concept importantly different from attitude to Welsh .
28 Two goats will circle head to tail in a display of strength , tossing their heads and posturing and grunting at each other .
29 BUSINESS Expansion Schemes share issues may appeal to those who can forego access to part of their savings for five years in return for sheltering these funds from tax .
30 The last section sets out ways in which teachers can relate theory to practice in their own teaching by carrying out small-scale classroom research tasks .
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