Example sentences of "[vb mod] [not/n't] [vb infin] [pers pn] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 We must not blame him for this for he is a product of the evolution which used that very ruthlessness to make him just what he is , and what we all are at the beginning of our lives .
2 ‘ True , we must not put them in more danger than is needful .
3 Should not drag her from that moment
4 Tammuz Malamute , or whoever you are , I should not forgive you for this , he thought wearily .
5 At the very least your notes should not discourage you in this aim .
6 For one has to recognize that if one had their desires one would not accept principles which rode roughshod over their satisfaction , and this implies that one should not accept them at all , since one can not universalise them to that hypothetical situation in which one would be forced to reject them .
7 I it is not envisaged I mean I must n't mislead you at all I want I want to be understood on this issue .
8 ‘ You must n't see it like that ! ’
9 " You should n't do it at all . "
10 erm strike out , interim payment , order fourteen er itself , there 's always still available to them , erm that the other side of the coin is if they get their money and of course they 're going to be threatening bankruptcy for some four thousand odd Names , I mean that 's , that 's equally devastating to individuals , erm my Lord , one would be into a type of argument on balance of convenience if we were at this stage , one would be considering the bankruptcy of the names , whether they have the funds to pay , even if judgment is given against them because vast majority do n't and what would be the point of giving judgment , this order fourteen cases saying one should n't do it in those circumstances , what if the names are right , will they get the money back , will they get a cross undertaking damages and pre er , er and to what extent do now have the funds , to what extent will it actually effect their business in the light of of
11 Belinda Hazel , 31 , said : ‘ Police should n't chase them at such speeds — then it would n't happen . ’
12 THEY SHOULD N'T make 'em like this anymore .
13 ‘ You sound as though disasters on the other side of the world should n't concern us at all , ’ said Scarlet .
14 Because I think that there should be no reason why the Q S should n't provide you with that service in the same way as he provides anybody else Jim .
15 ‘ You never know , it may not bother her after all this time .
16 Now , it may or not me noticeable if it 's a minor alteration in the surface geometry then it may be so slight as to make no difference in the way it performs so if , for example , it 's an enzyme it may not affect it at all .
17 I ca n't tell you that this keyboard is the best you 'll ever buy , because its feel may not suit you at all , but if you take that and the monitor aside , and specify totally different units that do suit you , then the system box wo n't let you down .
18 It may not take you via many of the islands which Wallace visited , but at least you 'll arrive .
19 Although one might not realize it from some modern accounts , Measure for Measure is a comedy , and Angelo can be dismissed at the end to marry his contracted wife , since his hypocrisy had no evil effects .
20 And , in the end , she might not lose him after all
21 Next time you might not find me in such a good temper . ’
22 It does , it might not seem it at this moment in time , but eventually you will understand everything that 's in there , and what it means to you , yes ?
23 I 'll not charge you for that
24 You 'll not mind it like that though do you ?
25 She would not , could not leave him for this boy !
26 Hebbert and McFall do , Hebbert decided , and he persuaded his partner they could not leave it at that after such a long flog up the mountainside .
27 Even marriage could not cure him of all his anxieties , and it is salutary to remember that , in some situations , he was as frightened of other people as they were of him : he often seemed shy and hesitant in conversation still .
28 He believed she did not love him because he was like his father but he could not blame her for this because he knew he was unlovable .
29 ‘ I do n't — yes , I could do that , ’ said Caspar , who could not do it at all , but could see that there was no other answer to be given .
30 I could not tell her — I could not hurt her in this way .
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