Example sentences of "[vb mod] [not/n't] [adv] [be] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , the past and current benefit to the employer must not merely be substantial or even valuable ; it has to be outstanding if compensation is to be awarded .
2 The internalist would claim that for the causal clause to turn justified true belief into knowledge , it must not only be true but be believed by a to be true .
3 The allies , though , insist that the Kurds must not only be safe but be made to feel safe , which means no armed police ; British commandos were sent to see them off .
4 In many spheres of public life justice should be seen to be done as well as be done , and officials should not only be impartial but be seen to be above reproach .
5 While it may not necessarily be true that absence makes the heart grow fonder , there 's no doubt that too much unaccustomed togetherness can put a marriage under strain .
6 The wide band width suggests that such provision may not only be diverse but , where the application requires it , fully multimedia too .
7 I think there are many American teachers who would agree with me , but those kinds of ‘ packs ’ have an unfortunate way of creeping onto the desks of teachers who do not know any better and the resulting work may not only be irrelevant but harmful .
8 Although it may not always be possible or necessary to quantify these factors , information can and should be collected about all of them .
9 Thus there are many reasons why employment may not always be possible or desirable .
10 It may not always be possible or appropriate to provide services to maintain a child at home .
11 However , this may not always be possible and a good list will be categorised in such a way that sections can be taken out and used as appropriate .
12 This may not always be straightforward since , although there may be a majority decision , the reasoning used by each member of the majority may differ .
13 Of course , such separation may not always be easy when dealing with real events .
14 The relation between contemporary modes of communication and the contemporary novel may not always be obvious or straightforward , but it has profoundly changed the ways in which people think about fiction and the value they attach to reading .
15 and there 's this thing about I mean you know that there that we may be behaving , there may be erm ways that we behave that are n't actually functional th the , the society we 've got now might not actually be functional because of the technology we 've got
16 Their professed need for a load valley in summer to permit overhaul could not be reconciled with the common observation that their capacity problems were not at their worst then ; it could not both be true that the differential charge would have no effect and that it would have so large an effect in cutting consumption the Boards would make losses .
17 She looked across the desk at Wycliffe as though for encouragement , but none came ; his expression remained bland ; she could not even be sure that he was looking at her or whether his gaze was focused on the window behind her .
18 He also suggested that planning as then envisaged could not really be more than a series of approximations .
19 17.20 Pupils should know that their writing need not always be formal or follow literary models ; it can also effectively capture and record first thoughts and immediate responses and be used for note-making , collecting and shaping information etc .
20 Conditions for the removal and culture of embryos need not necessarily be aseptic but should be dust free and as clean as possible .
21 Polytonal music need not necessarily be brutal and discordant , provided the composer reconciles the horizontal flow of the various voices with the vertical results .
22 It need not necessarily be hostile or rude or aggressive , as some of the cases seem to indicate " , per Lord Lane CJ in Faulkner v Talbot [ 1981 ] 1 WLR 1528 , 1536 , which was approved by Lord Ackner in Court [ 1989 ] AC 28 , 41 – 2 .
23 Because the rifleman can see over enemy ranks he is allowed to pick out any individual he can see , including enemy character models who would not otherwise be eligible as targets .
24 Since [ J. ] has made very little development progress since the accident he has no potential to return to a healthy life and thus intensive care would not only be cruel but would artificially prolong his vegetative state .
25 This would not only be detailed but would require the submission of a number of " case report " forms relating to cases dealt with ( but anonymised ) which would demonstrate how the applicant had dealt with certain types of specified cases .
26 In developing theories of crime this would not necessarily be important if the figures gave a representative sample of crime and criminals .
27 You would still ha be able to have some kind of interaction but it would n't actually be verbal because there would be no words in common , okay ?
28 Er I 've got some notes here which I can go through would n't actually be necessary but When Sally-Ann 's going through her notes if anyone else would like raise anything which backs it up or disagrees with it or whatever then , you know please you know butt in and say whatever think might might be relevant at the time .
29 I ca n't even be certain that he went through at four o'clock .
30 We ca n't possibly be fairer than that .
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