Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] have [been] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The watering hole must also have been the only one in the area for all sides produced finds , and finds of a reasonable age .
2 The fittest in British society should therefore have been the lower class and the immigrant , both of whom had higher birth rates than the upper classes .
3 The first they saw of the village may thus have been the dilapidated thatched cottage called Gilberts or Gilbards , which , improbable as it would have seemed to Coleridge in the fever of Pantisocracy , was to have so important a place in his later history .
4 The smell , coming from the rear of a building , might easily have been the unpleasant odour given off by a dustbin in need of emptying .
5 This conclusion is devoid of party political implication ; the situation might easily have been the same if the parties in opposition and government had been transposed .
6 In what might conceivably have been the last chance of a diplomatic settlement , with the encouraging or surreal touches of a personally popular Ho walking up the Champs Elysees to lay a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and standing beside Bidault on the Fourteenth of July , these were the fundamental issues .
7 This mosaic is the more imposing piece of work , but the fragment might also have been the central display of a comparable arrangement .
8 Yet he sensed that those next few minutes , after Ashenden had finished speaking with Kemp , might well have been the crucial ones in that concatenation of events which had finally led to murder ; and he questioned Ashenden further .
9 Lord Clifford , if not an eccentric peer , might almost have been the archetypal spendthrift one , for , despite a rental of £453 a year , his home in Skipton castle was appraised at a mere £60 ; similarly his son , Sir Henry Clifford , had £80 a year , but only £8 in personal estate .
10 In some cases it might have been irrelevant because companies would have decentralized anyway ; in others it might have enabled decentralization or , in combination with other factors encouraged it ; in some cases it might indeed have been the single most important immediate consideration .
11 Even though its evolutionary course was eventually destined to lead it into the complicated and probably costly distortions involved in having two eyes on one side , even though the skate way of being a flat fish might ultimately have been the best design for bony fish too , the would-be intermediates that set out along this evolutionary pathway apparently did less well in the short term than their rivals lying on their side .
12 In North Worcestershire also industrial growth made little or no visible impact on the structure of wealth , possibly because a man 's position in the rural hierarchy determined his choice of trade , In Yardley tile making had evolved as a major activity early in the fifteenth century ; along with tanning , which may still have been the principal industry in nearby Birmingham , it was practised by farmer-craftsmen , who mostly had well under £20 in goods , the £3 — £9 range forming a good two-thirds of the list : Thomas Walton , whose £11 was the highest assessment , made tiles and practised cooperage in winter .
13 With Senator McCarthy 's campaign against treason in the State Department having just got under way this may hardly have been the best time for dispassionate analysis although , if it is not too academic a point , one can not help comparing these propositions with an earlier assessment ( 13 October 1948 ) .
14 After all , the culprit could even have been the tame squirrel .
15 Second , if the Liberals and Social Democrats had been able to squeeze a few more votes from Labour supporters , then it could well have been the Labour Party that finished up with just a few seats in parliament out of all proportion to votes cast .
16 Another larger issue could well have been the major redirection of Bernician military might and political power needed to secure an advance north of the Forth .
17 Here it is , he said and pulled out a bottle of foul-looking medicine that could well have been the very stuff that Dr Jekyll used to turn himself into Mr Hyde .
18 Another significant factor working in the same direction towards decentralised negotiations in many European countries may also have been the increased importance of foreign-owned firms , particularly US multinationals ( see Chapter 8 ) .
19 It may also have been the political considerations involved which led both the WJEC and the University of Wales to remain silent throughout the argument .
20 One of the prongs took the form of over 2,000 air assault troops of the US 101st Airborne Division , in what may well have been the largest helicopter-borne operation ever mounted .
21 The support of 90% of blacks for Carter , even though he was a white Southerner , may well have been the crucial factor in his victory .
22 Now I know it was likely the alcohol was causing his depression and may well have been the major influence on the poor family relationships involved .
23 There could be no doubt that the Burgundian was the leading ruler in Gaul between 511 and 516 , and he may well have been the barbarian king most favoured by the court of Constantinople .
24 There is no shading on the rock here , but it is used on two out of three tiny , marvellous cups from Athens ( figs. 113 , 114 ) made by a potter Sotades and painted by the ‘ Sotades Painter ’ who may well have been the same man .
25 It is almost certain that both forms of the disease were present in late-fourteenth-century England , and it may well have been the pneumonic form , the more lethal of the two , which was responsible for the scale of the mortality in 1348–49 ( 53 , pp.172–3 ) .
26 A striking record of Elizabethan Christmas anthems by Red Byrd and the Rose Consort of Viols explores what may well have been the raw sonorities of Tudor vocal timbre ( Amon Ra CD-SAR 46 ) .
27 A possible explanation is that this jacket may well have been the last issue made to C/Sgt Nicholl in the last year or so of his service , and , as will be seen , may have been scarcely worn .
28 That winter , according to available records , may well have been the coldest of the Little Ice Age over much of northern Europe .
29 The most important would obviously have been the particular use of a vessel in the pantry or kitchen , on the dining table , or for drinking .
30 There was nothing to suggest that had the evidence been excluded that result would necessarily have been the same .
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