Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] [be] [verb] in some " in BNC.

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1 Section 6(2) must now be examined in some detail .
2 While George Boon rejected the suggestion that the very small coins were votive objects and may thus be found in some quantity on temple sites , he sensibly adds that there could have been a tendency for poor quality coins ‘ to gravitate to these shrines as easily as to the offertory of a country church ’ .
3 Now , as he watched him limping and staggering up the slope , it occurred to hint that he might actually be wounded in some way .
4 Her antiseptic presence transformed Mr Sunderland 's office into a place where children were condemned not to the cane or detention but to threadworms or impetigo or a terrible weakness of the chest that could only be treated in some distant sanatorium .
5 However , it was noted that the processing of financial data was laborious ( eg budgetary calculations , recording the receipt and issue of residents ' cash etc ) and could possibly be improved in some way .
6 Such gigantic creatures could hardly be living in some remote spot unknown to European science , so they had either changed into something else or had become extinct .
7 ‘ All organic waste could probably be used in some form , ’ said Dr Gates .
8 What is less obvious is that the marine transgression , or whatever other event it may be at Locality " A " could well be reflected in some way in the different facies at Locality " B " .
9 There may also be overcrowding in some areas .
10 A teaching carrel may also be found in some well-equipped reference libraries , where it can take the form of an enclosed cubicle large enough for one person , with a door and a high window .
11 They could not believe that large numbers of mammals would eventually be found in some of the earliest rocks .
12 Maggie had never bothered to resist their reasoning , and she folded her clothes partly from the natural instinct of obedience , and partly because she had never been entirely sure that these external appendages did indeed belong to her , Maggie Petherington , or if perhaps they were loans from the mysterious outer world ; loans that would doubtless be called in some day .
13 They trudged on , breathing the dust of the dry summer road that had been shuffled up by the boots ahead , and they wondered if there would be an issue of rum before the fighting began , or whether they would be too late for the fighting and would instead be billeted in some soft Belgian village where the girls would flirt and the food would be plentiful .
14 Direct controls will still be needed in some cases .
15 It will also be considered in some detail in parts of succeeding chapters on alphabetical indexing languages and alphabetical indexing systems .
16 This question will therefore be discussed in some depth in Chapter 3 .
17 It was traditionally associated with the Veramin and Tehran weavers of north central Persia and can still be found in some Persian village and workshop items .
18 ‘ Urban villages ’ can still be found in some parts of Britain .
19 Whereas , as we have seen , primal societies use the initiation and totemic rituals to instil whatever rudimentary superego-formation is necessary for the conduct of their social life , modern societies have more or less totally abandoned these rituals and anything resembling them ( although vestiges of them can still be found in some educational and penal institutions ) .
20 A living-in housekeeper or nurse can also be arranged in some circumstances , and lists of suitable agencies can be obtained from the Elderly Invalid 's Fund ( Old People 's Information Service ) , 10 Fleet Street , London EC4Y 1BB .
21 Clear evidence of comparable phenomena can also be found in some cultures .
22 Two major debates surround enterprise zones : there is the whole question of their origin , development and administration , which raises a series of issues in relation to governments ’ ability to bring about radical change ; and , second , and more importantly by the late 1980s , their impact can now be assessed in some detail .
23 This can now be chosen in some arbitrary manner as a point between the lower and upper bounds .
24 This is the latest craze to hit the fairgrounds and it can even be seen in some discos .
25 Inverted commas can even be abandoned in some cases .
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