Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 I should really take him into that
2 If we wish to preserve a landscape in its present form we must actively direct it towards that end .
3 ‘ I should never accuse you of that , Mrs Roscoe .
4 It 's one thing that we 're always really conscious of , that it must never affect us like that because no matter how big you become you must always be the same person . ’
5 ‘ Then let's just leave it at that , and clear away these dishes . ’
6 Lisa 's publicity manager Jacqueline Keeley said : ‘ It was a fun day — let's just leave it at that . ’
7 ‘ We have a good working relationship ; let's just keep it at that , shall we ?
8 So , for the moment , we 'll just leave it at that shall we ? ’
9 I 'll just hold it like that , eh ?
10 ‘ Well , if it 's true that I 'm getting younger it 'll probably suit me in that case . ’
11 Yes , and then he 'll probably remember you for that .
12 quite like , yeah , I 'll never forgive him for that , he 's now our troop 's sergeant , he 's got a transfer to the other squadron one of these troops , to er , to a troop .
13 I 'd rather have it like that .
14 Yeah you could , you could perhaps get him on that , yes .
15 He could just see it in that box bedroom in Hill View Close , its eyes full of light like some weird toy .
16 and you 'd just hit it like that and as you hit , you 'd got to run and come back again , before she got the ball to t er tap you on er you know , with the ball .
17 Who could possibly blame her for that ?
18 The college has fallen into a state of such disrepair since it was closed down that I doubt if anyone could truthfully class it as that . ’
19 so you know at a pinch you could probably run it like that and I do n't suppose anybody would notice the difference but , you know , just in terms of you know making things look attractive
20 I wanted to continue my studies as a postgraduate at U.C.L. I was now interested in modern linguistic research , but knew very little about it , since linguistics had so far made little impact in the U.K. , and there was no teacher in the Department who could adequately supervise me in that area .
21 they 'd never let you into that .
22 One could never accuse it of that .
23 and my heart went some where else and I think erm , the , the marriage erm , the love in my marriage was definitely killed by an act which my partner did and I would fall into the crimes of passion I think because I mean to , to me he committed the deadly sin of all and that was adultery and I could never forgive him for that and I think that picks up on a lot , many issues which have been raised tonight about you have to have trust in a partnership , you have to give and take and people change and some people can accept all that but I was not willing to do so .
24 Now she 'd got to have a double punishment , still she would soon put it about that Elissia and Daryl had planted the spider in Mary- Lou 's desk .
25 She had never known what love and tenderness were until she met her Aunty Lizzie , and she knew that no one in the world would ever love her like that woman did ; nor would she love anyone else .
26 It would erm , provide er , a base where activities could take place in that area , but whilst not , if you like , not directly benefiting the Social Services Committee , or the people that then go to it , would indirectly benefit us in that it would be available for youth and other activities in support of the community that have a knock-on effect er , as far as we 're concerned .
27 Market forces would then bring it about that ‘ bad ’ schools would simply wither away , or be compelled to become ‘ good ’ , if they were to remain open .
28 long time to remember what 's going to happen in three months ' time , but if it 's something related to an event like Christmas or Easter or something like that , a lot of , a lot of press people are always thinking ‘ What the hell am I going to do that 's different for Christmas or Easter or so forth , ’ so if you do a signal , lay on a special event related to a , a time , in other words a sort of custom , a calendar custom-type event , they 're going to appreciate that notice because they may do some forward planning which would actually help them in that respect .
29 I shall bloody quiz her about that !
30 Richard would never blame them for that .
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