Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] [verb] [pron] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Almost all outstandingly creative people are high in assessed IQ , a fact which must surely protect them to some extent from mental breakdown , both directly and indirectly , in the first case , by providing them with more flexible psychological resources to cope with stress and , in the second , by enabling them to make socially valued contributions that strengthen self-esteem .
2 Douglas Hurd 's announcement on Friday that he will try to tighten up the law relating to the licensing of these parties should certainly address itself to that aspect of the problem .
3 he said they may just go one to forty six he said or they may even go forty eight on that one to even it up .
4 Vocal groups might profitably address themselves to this relatively unexplored territory — there are 170 arias and more — but meanwhile a welcome to this well-chosen selection of songs .
5 But at the end of the discussions between the project coordinator and the client , when you have actually helped him and led along , you could have this , or you could have that , or perhaps we could just take it to this stage , cost some options out and give you a recommendation .
6 Pohl has also specifically mentioned that Austria could easily annex itself to this monetary union since it has pegged the schilling to the Deutschmark for years .
7 In FI he 'll be remembered more as Mr Nice than as a great driver : he won his championship in a car that probably a half-dozen drivers would have driven equally competently and successfully , and in that one year lost the one man who could really push him to greater excellence , Ronnie Peterson .
8 Given the current differing economic performance of Britain and West Germany , putting sterling in the exchange rate mechanism could well subject it to new strains .
9 Hair is a marvellous natural fibre — you could almost compare it to pure silk thread .
10 A Railcard may also entitle you to reduced fares on Sealink ships to the Channel Islands and Ireland and for travelling by rail and sea to 17 Continental countries .
11 This enables the interviewer to burrow much further into the complexities of some situations and may well introduce him to relevant factors which had not been thought of before at all .
12 But I am certain she will help you , and may well introduce you to other young people ; you do not see enough of them . ’
13 which you said it has , er you would perhaps recommend me to some people you know erm like the partner in your er your work or the members of your squash club .
14 Whilst such an attitude to life is clearly desirable for hunters depending on highly unreliable food resources which would soon reduce them to chronic anxiety if they were to take a less prodigal view of things , it is evidently less suitable for seasonal hunters who must store food if they are to avoid starvation .
15 He would be going out soon , but an umbilical cord would still tie him to this house of death .
16 To claim otherwise would be to place these therapies on a mystical pedestal , which would clearly open them to justifiable derision by those who doubt their efficacy .
17 Her sons would often invite me to some remote corner where we hoped against hope that we would not disturb the siesta of the compound , though we were rarely successful .
18 At that stage the divisional officer may have taken it away from the domestic scene , and er put it through to Glasgow if it was the , if the employer was a member of the employers ' association , he would then take it to local conference .
19 People would play the tapes back afterwards and would sometimes send them to distant relatives .
20 The route will also take you to some of the finest areas of heathland in the country and will include a tea stop at Clumber Park Tea Rooms .
21 A lot of people will probably relate it to that commercial I think , or they 'll think of the little bunny rabbits in Duracell , that 's what I thought
22 Break his will now , and his soul will live , and he will probably bless you to all eternity .
23 Our exclusive offer will then entitle you to two further rounds of golf FREE .
24 So far as talking is concerned , they can only do it to each other .
25 I mean the beautiful thing about Micromail is y you can get a a a a message up , you can immediately copy it to three other people , or thirty other people if you wish , erm and you can reply to it instantly without having to , you know y you just type a message in and press the button , and it 's gone .
26 Make sure that the smaller children get a turn and , if one person is continually doing the catching , they can then pass it to one of the younger ones .
27 Those of my readers who are already in articles will know the technicalities of becoming a solicitor , and I can therefore address myself to those who are not yet in articles .
28 ‘ Especially as once we start , we can never confine ourselves to just kissing , ’ Luke quipped with harsh humour , and paused .
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