Example sentences of "[subord] [indef pn] [verb] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A bookshop should be a familiar place , somewhere where one goes for the sheer love of books , for the smell and feel of them , for the companionship of others who share the joy of touching , holding , reading and learning .
2 Of course I admit there 's an alcohol problem , but then again it tends to look worse than it is because the res is dry so everyone congregates at the nearest bar , which is two miles south , in Nebraska .
3 Surely someone moving toward the light ought to measure it traveling at a higher speed than someone moving in the same direction as the light ; yet the experiment showed that both observers would measure exactly the same speed .
4 I would rather have an RSPCA worker who retained the capacity to weep than one hardened to the darker necessities of the job .
5 However , in the non-thermonuclear fusion process above , a neutron emitted in the direction of the moving deuteron will have a higher energy than one emitted in the opposite direction , much as an object thrown from a moving vehicle travels faster when thrown forwards .
6 The reputation and prestige on which their position rested , therefore , was an intraparty one rather than one created in the public arena .
7 We have come to the clear conclusion that Parliament , in adopting the phrase ‘ office or employment , ’ intended section 16(1) of the Act of 1968 to have a wider impact than one confined to the narrow limits of a contract of service .
8 That foundation is analytically stronger than one relying on the casual observation that since companies possess power , they must use that power ‘ responsibly ’ .
9 They were much closer than anyone knew except the two of them , and they certainly would n't be telling anyone .
10 Within 1 of Sgr A is the centroid of a dense cluster of stars , much denser than anything observed in the galactic disk .
11 His loneliness , far worse than anything suffered in the empty north country , overwhelmed him and became intolerable .
12 The IPCC scientific assessment group predicts that without any measures to check greenhouse gas emissions the increase in the mean global temperature will be about 0.3 ° C per decade — greater than anything seen in the 10,000 years of the interglacial .
13 The first and last sections of the book together add more to our knowledge of Degas ' sculpture than anything published in the last three or four decades .
14 Film reviewers have a simple rule for sizing up new movies : ‘ If nothing happens in the first ten minutes , ’ they say , ‘ nothing 's going to happen . ’
15 If someone punches in the wrong code more than three times , the alarm sounds automatically .
16 Rather like a bank 's cash-dispensing machine , the launch-control computer will keep the missiles ' warheads switched off if somebody types in the wrong combination .
17 Because the result of what we 're trying to achieve , particularly if one goes for the new settle settlement option , is to squeeze , as we said this morning , a gallon into a pint pot , and it it would be interesting to hear from the County why the Greater York boundary is what it is .
18 Yes the particular item that was deleted was known as the combat override facility which erm was really a trade off erm to provide extra thrust against the reduced life of the engine and clearly if one operates at the top end of the engine spectrum in er hotter conditions and higher er R P M then clearly the life of the engine will be reduced .
19 By contrast , if one seeks in the present continuum for ‘ that which attends ’ , nothing is to be found .
20 If one turns from the professional judges to the nobles and gentry who were members of the Council in the Marches , high-handedness and corruption become more apparent .
21 Even if one remains within the traditional canon of the eighteenth century , it is hard to believe that a major critic could so easily dispense with Goldsmith , Crabbe , and Burns .
22 And if one moves from the statistical to the policy level , who are the most likely people to offend on bail ?
23 If one follows through the possible implications of this , one comes to the thought that perhaps language should be presented , to learners primarily in lexical terms , setting conditions for the gradual emergence of syntax as a focusing device — the very converse of conventional practice .
24 But if one starts from the spontaneous inclination itself , the question arises whether it makes sense to call it egoistic before it has been chosen in terms of the agent 's own standards for the beneficial .
25 If one looks at the international scene — as any university or special librarian must — the range of choice is further amplified , especially since publishing in the Third World is expanding very quickly .
26 Even if one looks at the political structure of England one can see the division , and there is no doubt that political dominance was heavily weighted in favour of the South and the Midlands .
27 But it is quite different in almost any university if one looks at the immediate post- doctoral level .
28 If one looks at the early development of vertebrae it becomes clearer just how segmental much of our own early development is .
29 But nevertheless it 's im important to remember that this is a survey erm which is conducted at the time of year when most compan or many companies raise their list prices and if one looks at the past sort of record of this survey both at the regional level and the national level , one generally does see a bit of an upturn in the pr in the prices numbers at this time of year because people are raising their list prices erm and once you allow for that erm I think these numbers are er very good in terms of prices trends , very low for the time of year .
30 If one looks at the continuing difficulties in eastern Europe and the disintegration of the Soviet empire , which some now call the UFFR — the union of fewer and fewer republics — one sees that those troubles could trigger off large movements of displaced persons across national frontiers .
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