Example sentences of "[subord] [coord] [adv] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 is take the cos and then square the answer the answer you get .
2 The basic tree consists of a network branching out from an initial decision of whether or not to undertake the project .
3 The basic tree consists of a network branching out from an initial decision of whether or not to undertake the project .
4 An innovative attempt to distinguish between the more objectionable forms of cheque-book journalism and the literature which makes a significant contribution to the culture or contributes to the prevention of crime or the rehabilitation of offenders is being made in Victoria , Australia , where the Crimes ( Confiscation of Profits ) Amendment Act 1991 ( Vic. ) , although expanding the concept of ‘ benefit ’ to include the profits of criminal expression , will provide a court with discretion to decide whether or not to treat the profits as a ‘ benefit ’ for the purposes of the Act .
5 Either paragraph , if satisfied , suffices to open the door to an exercise of discretion as to whether or not to order the return of the child in question .
6 Ultimately , whether or not to take the test must be the decision of the individual .
7 There are skills of every kind to be learned , from changing a nappy to knowing whether or not to call the doctor , when to teach the facts of life , and how to develop the parent-child relationship during adolescence .
8 If these can be detected early enough , then women can decide whether or not to continue the pregnancy .
9 In the age of the life-support machine , we may sometimes look back wistfully to those days , when doctors and relatives of the moribund person were not faced with the agonising decision whether or not to preserve the existence of a human vegetable .
10 Councillors from the Forest of Dean came to visit the site at Tidenham Chase , before deciding whether or not to allow the travellers to stay there .
11 One of the most difficult decisions he was faced with in recent years was whether or not to sell the foods business , particularly as it involved disposing of Cadbury 's Cocoa , the product with which his great-grandfather launched the company .
12 The Attorney General 's spokesman said a decision on whether or not to appeal the sentence would be made ‘ urgently ’ .
13 The Attorney General 's spokesman said a decision on whether or not to appeal the sentence would be made ‘ urgently ’ .
14 You ca n't put the onus on guidebook descriptions , the final decision on whether or not to do the route must rest with the judgement and common sense of the individual on the spot .
15 A directive is addressed to member states within the EC but it is left to each individual government to decide whether or not to implement the directive .
16 They suggested that any objections should be sent to our County Councillor immediately as there is a meeting arranged for next Tuesday to decide whether or not to close the court .
17 In 1898 the Corporation was debating whether or not to close the Tubwell Row pump even though an analyst had condemned it as ‘ absolutely unfit for drinking purposes ’ .
18 To meet this development section 17(2) was inserted into the Act and provides that where an application is made for an interlocutory injunction and the party against whom it is sought claims that he acted in contemplation or furtherance of a trade dispute , the court shall , in exercising its discretion whether or not to grant the injunction , have regard to the likelihood of that party 's succeeding at the trial of the action in establishing the matter which would afford a defence under the Act .
19 The ability to win over an informant who is undecided whether or not to grant the interview is important , as is the ability to put people at their ease and reassure them that the interview is not going to be some sort of viva voce examination .
20 At the same time it must be remembered that the occupations of a quarter of the inhabitants were not stated ; some of them must have been farmers , and it is quite conceivable that many of the omissions were the result of uncertainty as to whether or not to class the persons in question as agricultural or industrial .
21 It does so by examining the process of assessment in which the ASW plays a critical role between the initial referral from the GP and the decision whether or not to section the woman .
22 The file will be forwarded immediately to office of the Director of Public Prosecutions in London , for a decision about whether or not to prosecute the Bishop .
23 ‘ Where the prosecution intends to lead evidence of verbal admissions or confessions , the defence should always be alerted before the start of the case of such intention and the terms of the admissions/confessions so as to give the defence an opportunity to determine whether or not to challenge the admissibility of the evidence . ’
24 In this type of case the duty which mandamus enforces is often not a statutory one but the common law duty , which every power-holder has , to give proper consideration to the question of whether or not to exercise the power .
25 Knowing the child , the teacher would decide whether or not to pursue the teaching point and encourage Mark to try again .
26 Her teacher would know whether the idea of ‘ growing ’ is one that confuses Nichola , and would know whether or not to pursue the idea on another occasion .
27 ‘ The administrators are seeking to use the statutory procedure to get information which the company , if solvent , would not have been able to obtain before deciding whether or not to pursue the proceedings against B.C.C.I.
28 If no offer is received from the Airline , then the amount involved must be taken into account when deciding on whether or not to pursue the recovery further .
29 A.G. v. Secretary of State for Trade and Industry [ 1975 ] A.C. 295 , he held that , since the council was engaged in law enforcement duties , he had a discretion whether or not to require the council to give an undertaking in damages as a prerequisite of the grant of an interlocutory injunction , and he decided to exercise that discretion against requiring such an undertaking .
30 The committee will determine in the light of all the circumstances whether or not to approve the funding of external legal support .
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