Example sentences of "[subord] [noun prp] [vb past] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The final activities were another guided tour , back at Wharf Station , where Graham showed us round the museum that he played a central role in setting up .
2 It was already half full with stagnant rain water , so Mildred filled it to the brim , then carried it back to the yard window-sill , collecting her broomstick on the way .
3 Once Keith left it at the home of some guy he 'd had a one night stand with , and when he went back to get it he was so embarrassed he had sex with the guy again , which was a mistake for both of them .
4 Although Barber found himself in the political wilderness with the Tories ' fall from power after the death of Queen Anne in 1715 , he remained loyal to his friends and true to his Tory principles .
5 However , no sooner was the intrigue launched than Baldwin killed it by the simple expedient of deciding to remain in office and meet Parliament .
6 Late that evening , Corbett was found by a servant sent by Selkirk , who announced in broad Scots that the knight would be grateful if Corbett joined him in the outer bailey near the main gate .
7 They were part of Japan until Russia occupied them at the end of the second world war , and the Japanese feel they are justified in wanting them back .
8 If Iskandara said anything of the matter to James , he let it go no further .
9 Wimbledon champion Edberg lasted until Courier beat him in the quarter finals .
10 If Magwitch saw us on the river , he could draw his bedroom curtain to show everything was all right .
11 Cos Paul put it on the next day .
12 Until Charlie paid her at the end of the week , Lucy would again be in her usual flat-broke condition .
13 We did n't get a chance to say any more , because Anthea ushered us into the hall almost immediately afterwards . ’
14 Benny was holding the cartridges steady while Garry filled them with the gunpowder .
15 William 's solicitor believes much of the trauma could have been avoided if police had checked their identification files sooner since William looked nothing like the suspect who was at least twenty years younger .
16 Inside the kitchen , while Carrie busied herself at the range , Seb hovered behind her , wanting to touch her , but not daring to , in case she objected .
17 After the meal she went on knitting the complicated sweater while Penry immersed himself in the newspapers he 'd bought earlier in the day .
18 Wycliffe lazed in his chair , while Helen lost herself in the zany twilight world of Iris Murdoch .
19 They 'd been strolling through the individual gardens within the whole for more than two hours , while Rune told her about the traditions of the gardens and how , despite attempts at imitation , they remained unique in Europe — if not the world — before they reached the area set aside for the funfair and he suggested she might like a ride on some of the attractions .
20 Phoebe relapsed into little disturbed ‘ ohs ’ rubbing her thin fingers and slithering to the edge of her chair , while Jess wondered what in the name of the Devil a syndicate was , and if a Frolic would be as jolly as it sounded .
21 Since Cox confined herself to the truly great , her sample — unlike , say , Ellis ' and Bowerman 's — naturally contained the names of many individuals whom others have quoted as evidence for the connection between creativity and psychosis ; including , incidentally , one ( Cowper ) who appears in this book .
22 Wycliffe and Curtis sat in the stern while Smith placed himself in the lee of the fo'c'sle on a little tip-up seat by the wheel .
23 After Richard reminded me of the problems I was about to face following that first flight , I was n't looking forward to the next flying lesson .
24 It took a further five minutes before Blenkinsop made it to the phone , but to Amiss 's relief , he appeared to be both sober and reasonable : indeed he was giving a rather creditable imitation of a normal club secretary .
25 Though the latter was at this time a much celebrated amateur artist he was surprised , on arriving , when Minton detached himself from the crowd he was talking with in order to cross the room and greet Cornish by name .
26 Mr Foggerty was agreeably surprised , but when Nutty reminded him of the standard required , he relapsed into grim gloom and stood on the side of the bath in his white T-shirt and jeans looking at his watch and saying , ‘ I ca n't spare the time to do this three nights a week for the next year , which is what is required .
27 Although the couple are rarely seen in public together — Lewis went solo to the Golden Globe awards , though Brad accompanied her to the Oscars — Pitt says it 's not a conscious choice to avoid the paparazzi , they just never go out .
28 Claudia said demurely as Roman carried her into the bedroom .
29 It must have taken a while from Taunton , Charles thought , as Frances drove them in the yellow Renault 5 along the route Lesley-Jane had described .
30 When Jessica poked her in the ribs and swore they were coming for them , she hardly raised her head .
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