Example sentences of "[subord] [noun prp] [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Although Barber found himself in the political wilderness with the Tories ' fall from power after the death of Queen Anne in 1715 , he remained loyal to his friends and true to his Tory principles .
2 We must put all our energies into the preparation for Belle Ile while Schellenberg busies himself with the Steiner affair . ’
3 Inside the kitchen , while Carrie busied herself at the range , Seb hovered behind her , wanting to touch her , but not daring to , in case she objected .
4 After the meal she went on knitting the complicated sweater while Penry immersed himself in the newspapers he 'd bought earlier in the day .
5 Wycliffe lazed in his chair , while Helen lost herself in the zany twilight world of Iris Murdoch .
6 Since Cox confined herself to the truly great , her sample — unlike , say , Ellis ' and Bowerman 's — naturally contained the names of many individuals whom others have quoted as evidence for the connection between creativity and psychosis ; including , incidentally , one ( Cowper ) who appears in this book .
7 Wycliffe and Curtis sat in the stern while Smith placed himself in the lee of the fo'c'sle on a little tip-up seat by the wheel .
8 Though the latter was at this time a much celebrated amateur artist he was surprised , on arriving , when Minton detached himself from the crowd he was talking with in order to cross the room and greet Cornish by name .
9 When Strawalde freed himself of the constraints of narrative painting he became the father of sensuous abstract art in the DDR and now , in his sixties , is finally receiving the international recognition which was denied him before the Wall came down .
10 When Arafat satisfied himself of the identity of the three Palestinians responsible , they were sent down to Tyre ‘ in disgrace ’ .
11 It was 3-0 just before half-time as Shearer threw himself at the ball .
12 He woke as Pete heaved himself from the bunk .
13 When Defries pulled herself over the projecting fragments of glass and into the cockpit , Daak was still half out of the pilot 's seat , staring at Ace 's back and her wind-whipped hair .
14 The division between labour and capital was therefore a nationalist and ethnic one rather than a class one , even though Zuwaya cast themselves in the role of capitalist entrepreneurs , for example when they defended free markets against state-controlled ones .
15 An audience never failed to gasp and cry out when Gabriel flung himself into the flying harness , arms outstretched and billowing with silk .
16 ‘ Learn anything ? ’ asked his driver , as Spruce eased himself into the Datsun .
17 When Manfro detached himself from the other men and came to walk by her side , Topaz glared at him .
18 Twice , in the Miller 's Tale , we hear a cock crow , as Absolon presents himself at the " " shot-wyndowe " " of Alison 's bedroom ( 3357 , 3687 ) .
19 As Shylock says himself of the incident in Act 3 Scene 1 — line 28 :
20 Protesting , Geoffrey moved to one side as Bridget lowered herself to the ground .
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