Example sentences of "[subord] [adv] [v-ing] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He made the players feel they belonged to a great club , where even playing in the reserves was all part of an important and worthwhile enterprise .
2 Where even going on the boat , we went from Glasgow from Quay in one of the Line boats and erm it cost erm the cheapest fares were twenty seven pounds ten return .
3 Er and therefore it looks at erm the indirect impact of development erm and it 's it 's more sophisticated one might say than merely looking at the quality of the land .
4 Here that of the deputy was clearly defined , and entailed engagement with policy , management and development rather than merely covering in the event of the head 's absence .
5 Yet even they remained adamantly loyal to the socialist parties , and , although generally identifying with the Mensheviks , moved markedly to the Left in the pre-war period .
6 When you move into your Higgs & Hill home at Port Solent you 'll be doing more than just living on the waterfront .
7 Er , it is important too , to stress that the Agency is acting as a bridge between the purchasing er , authority , the Social Services Department , and the er , independent sector , and that er , it 's also important that er , too , that er , in many cases , er , the provider 's income er , will , will not just come from Social Services , but it may be that people are purchasing their own care , if , if they 're not eligible for public , public 's er , help through , through funding , and therefore the scheme is much wider than just looking at the purchasing intentions of the , the Social Services Department .
8 If you have n't come across foot-assisted trowels before these have a long tubular handle and work as the name suggests allowing the whole weight of the body to force the trowel into the ground , rather than just relying on the arm muscles .
9 Psychological reward is derived from simple adherence to standards and routines which , although originally emanating from the housewife as worker , take on an objective quality .
10 ( 'You have to attain a high degree of musical stupidity in order to find watching the beat , or the conductor 's inane face for that matter , easier for the purpose of knowing how or when to play than simply listening to the music , ’ he argued . )
11 Academic says we need to encourage people to use more facilities rather than simply looking round the University .
12 These are reasons for recording rather than simply performing to the class but would n't audio recording do just as well ?
13 My Lord erm just to sweep up one or two of the other , very briefly the points my learned friend has just raised , erm I , I think it follows that our provisional position at the moment is that we think that reference is probably more satisfactory than simply going to the commission , what went , if your Lordship went to the commission and then found that they were unsatisfactory or did n't really take matters further , for one of the reasons it might very well not , is because the original complaint put to the commission was not framed in the same way as the defence and counterclaim are now framed , er there 's been a very considerable amount of refinement , both parties would no doubt wish to put submissions into the commission as to how the answer should be put or to provide information so the commission can answer them and so on and so forth and it may not be any quicker doing it that way
14 A statement such as ‘ That makes me feel very angry/unhappy/sad/upset when you do that ’ rather than immediately shouting at the child enables parents to stand back from their immediate emotional reactions and also teach the child awareness of other people 's feelings .
15 However , he successfully adopted his style in more than adequately coping with the West Indian fast bowling of the 1960's .
16 He seems to spend most of his day doing little other than occasionally walking to the pub ( usually in the middle of a row ) where he can spend up to 3 hours .
17 He seems to spend most of his day doing little other than occasionally walking to the pub ( usually in the middle of a row ) where he can spend up to 3 hours .
18 Although occasionally slipping into the realms of standard speedcore and generally tackling some well worn lyrical subjects , it 's obvious that Sofa Head are intrepid explorers venturing into unchartered waters .
19 Although occasionally slipping into the realms of standard speedcore and generally tackling some well worn lyrical subjects , it 's obvious that Sofa Head are intrepid explorers venturing into unchartered waters .
20 Fur has seen its best days on the clothing front , although seriously rockin' on the footwear front right now is leopard skin .
21 Clearly it it would n't do that , it 's twenty two kilometres further than actually staying on the A sixty one through the centre of Harrogate .
22 B 's possible responses listed above , while overtly responding to the question " you know what I mean ? " are actually heard by parties to the conversation as supporting A's proposition , " I ca n't make head nor tail of this " .
23 It penetrates the carcase of its prey at one end , usually the head end , and it may actually leave the skin intact while progressively eating through the insides of the animal .
24 It was alright at Euston Station on the way up because we had plenty of time for loading — but — on the return journey we could see the train approaching while still careering through the country lanes on our coach .
25 While still leafing through the statements he turned to Sara : ‘ We have a witness who claims to have seen you in Alexandra Road after eleven on Saturday night , and you may know that a woman was seen going in by the back door of this house at half-past . ’
26 His kisses had gentled out when suddenly , while still staying on the mattress with her , he moved away from her .
27 As implied by his reference to wearing Messel 's costumes , John had begun by May , while still working at the Sadler 's Wells School , to appear in the corps de ballet at Covent Garden , although only in The Sleeping Beauty which needed a large cast .
28 However , while still working in the darkroom , he gained second spot in the 1979 Northern Sports Photographer of the Year competition .
29 By developing these devices in the light of modern technology , Brooke-Rose is able to circumvent the conventions of realism while still remaining within the bounds of what is accepted as novelistic .
30 With the law book in front of you , you look to see how your client can declare taxable income in the most efficient way while always keeping within the law . ’
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