Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] [vb base] [that] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ALTHOUGH I agree that many industries are run better by private enterprise than by the state , I think there should only be one bank .
2 Once you realise that some blocks need to be matched early , in order to gain access to others , things get tougher .
3 Although we believe that all birds and bats must have a common ancestor if we trace their lineages back far enough , that common ancestor was also the common ancestor of all mammals ( including ourselves ) and all birds .
4 However in this instance there is no a priori reason for binding to one rather than the other , so we assume that both sites are equally occupied .
5 Although they accept that these numbers include practising Christians unable — or unwilling — to pay the tax , they believe that most are people who have long drifted away from the church .
6 It may seem easier if you remember that all parents have to do just this when they change a baby 's nappies , wipe the baby 's bottom , and ensure it is clean and dry .
7 If you think that these approaches will make matters worse , it may simply be better to ask for a transfer or move to new pastures .
8 If we assume that some investors within each group were " not interested " in an activity made more profitable by the construction of a canal but only in dividends or , after 1790 , in speculative profit , and that this was almost wholly true of women investors , substantially so of the clergy and of the majority of those from the professions , then it is clear that overall at least a quarter of investment in canals was drawn from a net cast unprecedentedly widely .
9 If we assume that these vehicles have an operational life of five years , and that 10 per cent is an agreed discount rate , then this scheme should produce benefits in net present value terms of approximately £2.8 million .
10 Second , if we accept that such adjectives , unlike predicate qualifiers , are genuinely equivalent to a modified clause in conjunction with the noun phrase which they follow , then it is entirely predictable that this construction will demand , as the preceding main verb , one which customarily supports a predication expressed in an explicit subordinate clause ; this will not , however , be demanded of the verb preceding a predicate qualifier .
11 Even if we agree that these kinds of assumptions have some general validity , the questions that then stem from them are equally complex .
12 If we hypothesise that most children who are abused by men , it does not indicate that all men are abusers , neither does the notion hold water that 77 per cent of sexual abuse within foster and residential care is committed by males .
13 The offer is there and is open to senior police officers if they believe that such batons would be of advantage to their forces .
14 Unless we assume that all individuals are the same then presumably we may all have different values and different perceptions of how to satisfy these values .
15 He derives from MP his holism in the theory of meaning , but insists that we can not account for language learning as an empirical activity , unless we allow that some sentences have a determinate meaning and are therefore independently ( strongly ) verifiable .
16 I mention all this because I know that many women are horrified at the idea of their baby being delivered in this way .
17 I confess to having myself once described a particularly abstruse provision as ‘ something of a minor masterpiece of opacity ’ , but I regret it because I think that such shafts are frequently not aimed at the right target .
18 They have taken this position not because they are resistant to change , but because they believe that these proposals will politicise the British Police Service and they are in my view entirely right to have that view .
19 While I believe that some parts of this routine are absolutely essential , I am only too well aware that the ideas still have to stand the test of time .
20 While we know that more men at present work in certain jobs , as engineers , in factories and so on , we still need to see and read that women can also do these jobs .
21 While we see that more marriages succeed , although there so some of them might be just dragging , but er a , at least they do n't become a headache for the society as children of adult er parents or children with one parent , we do n't have that problem .
22 Since we believe that all variations in behavioural capacity reflect underlying variations in the nervous system , we have to accept that the human brain is , in some way , different from that of other species .
23 They also have a strong international dimension since they argue that these forces are aspects ‘ of the continued development of world economy , an economy which can only be understood as a single , integrated system ’ .
24 Since they accept that some types of nuclear weapons can be used in this way , the argument is designed to legitimise the development and deployment of tactical or ‘ counterforce ’ nuclear weapons and other weaponry associated with a shift away from Mutual Assured Destruction towards Nuclear Utilisation Target Selection ( MAD versus NUTS : see Keeny and Panofsky , 1981 ) .
25 Whether you feel that these cocktails are what your roses will be happy with is very much like you considering whether you would be happy and healthy on a diet of fast and convenience food like hamburger and chips and little else .
26 It seems odd that I should be expected to pay for the privilege of assisting in this way , in particular , as I doubt that these changes will alleviate the falling numbers of applicants to medical schools in the UK .
27 ‘ Anyway , ’ I continue ( while we have it , let's press the advantage home ) , ‘ you know as well as I do that these couplings between the separate spheres always come to grief in the end . ’
28 I do hope that it will be possible for you to participate in this exercise , even though I realise that many demands are made on people 's time .
29 The second impression is less tangible — the curious feeling you get when you realize that those books on the shelves are Manzoni 's books , the ones he read or consulted .
30 When you consider that these days we are running well over a second faster , your can see by how much British sprinting has advanced .
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