Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] [vb past] get a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm a photographer , not a billionaire , so I needed to get a good idea going to pay for it all .
2 I would , if I 'd got a fast car and I 'd lost my dreams .
3 clip of the ear , nothing like that , but if if you 'd got a black eye .
4 And er and when that was been in the field whatever days , depending on the weather , if you 'd got a good dry summer well you 'd perhaps take it in in after a week , you see ?
5 And if you 'd got a good suit , you 'd take that , then fetch it out for the weekend , so they 'd looked decent , and when you took it back on Monday and he said I 'll have to drop you on that , Ah , so you wo n't this week .
6 And I suppose if we 'd got a clean sheet , and we started again , we 'd do it differently .
7 Ivan fired again , short experimental bursts as if he 'd got a new power-drill from the Christmas tree .
8 I do remember that I left a sort of note for my family telling them not to worry because I 'd got a good job and I might not be in touch for a while , but then it all gets kind of overlaid with a memory of a headache like you would n't believe , and shock at being connected to all these horrible machines and — ’
9 But like , it was alright then because like means that you can changed up in this one corner of the changing room all the time and so I 'd got my shirt on while I was putting my T-shirt on like for the reason that my bra strap was bust , not actually because I 'd got a gigantic love bite around my neck !
10 Because they 'd got a tremendous struggle on , they 'd got a tremendous struggle on , they were struggling against tremendous odds , they were struggling against er er all sorts of er er of er of trickery , that er was being conducted by quite a quite a few of the er quite a few of the major powers .
11 It had survived because it had got a metallic thread running through it .
12 She participated in the founding of the League of Nations and was on the Council , though she failed to get a racial equality clause inserted in the League 's charter .
13 Her feathers were rippling up and down like leaves in the breeze as she struggled to get a secure footing on me .
14 He turned away , and when he had got a safe distance , he began to whistle — a moist whistle that said he was n't really disturbed at all about Arty 's strange behaviour .
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