Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] [verb] for the first " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps the most significant intellectual advance of the mid-20th century was indeed made by Karl Popper , not because he provided any kind of method for scientists to pursue ( as he decidedly did not ) but because he showed for the first time in formal philosophy , that science is inescapably a human activity , and that if its underlying human-ness is ever shelved it is only temporarily , and for convenience , to ameliorate human frailty .
2 In 1960 the Rat Pack — Sinatra , Lawford , Martin , Davis and Bishop — came together to make Ocean 's Eleven , a caper that became a classic only because it featured for the first time the nucleus of the clan .
3 Even the Darwinian theory of evolution was impressive , not because the concept of evolution was new — it had been familiar for decades — but because it provided for the first time a satisfactory explanatory model for the origin of species , and did so in terms which were entirely familiar even to non-scientists , since they echoed the most familiar concept of the liberal economy , competition .
4 After a short discussion on the merits of the duck , he decided to join her ; and while they waited for the first course to arrive , he regaled her with a colourful account of that afternoon 's meeting in the history department to sort out the timetable .
5 The minutes dragged while they listened for the first hum of the approaching helicopter .
6 In the final game Waikato took the honours 28–24 , leafing Rugby Canada to wonder just how long it would be before they won for the first time on New Zealand soil .
7 Going to the first GLF meeting brought together these two aspects of myself as I saw for the first time the emotional need to have a context where I could be open and proud of my gayness , as well as the political context where my sexuality would seem relevant to all the other things that were going on around me at work and in the country at large .
8 When she attends for the first time , she assesses the patient : if he is out of bed and eating his breakfast , for instance , she observes whether he can feed himself , or whether he needs help ; whether he has perceptual problems ; how good his balance is while he is sitting ; whether he is limited by spasticity ; what his posture is like ; and then whether he is capable of standing and walking .
9 Only when Bert Rafferty was called to give evidence did Harriet Tremayne show any sign of breaking down , as she listened for the first time to his description of exactly what had happened on that harrowing morning .
10 Her hands were shaking as she reached for the first of the envelopes .
11 The barely acknowledged hope caused her heart to beat faster as she reached for the first round iron latch .
12 Speechless , she glared at him , then felt the colour start back to her cheeks as she realised for the first time what he was dressed in , which was very little indeed .
13 As she left for the first night party , she just had time to tell us what she thought :
14 Tamed native birds flocked on the poolside boardwalk of their rented hideaway , ‘ Hawksnest ’ , as we met for the first time , and Robin encircled his shyness with a stream-of-consciousness banter , made easier by the antics of a visiting cocker spaniel , which bit the head off a parrot .
15 A major emphasis was placed on Intercession and listening to God This was invaluable as we prepared for the first section of outreach in Budapest , Hungary .
16 If we had played for the whole 90 minutes as we did for the first hour we would have beaten Rangers . ’
17 The healthy stayed away , or hovered sceptically at the back of the crowd , talking as they waited for the first miracle .
18 As they headed for the first aircraft they were fired on by a sentry .
19 His mind recalled the familiar ambience of his trade ; men moving like black shadows behind the glare of the arc-lights the police cars tidily parked ; the flap of the screens , desultory voices conferring as they watched for the first lights of his approaching car .
20 Anyway Rick spent what seemed like an eternity before he got the fish near the net but when it showed for the first time it soon became apparent why it had been so stubborn , the fish was massive !
21 He was barely 20 years old and already working the nightclub circuit when he wed for the first time .
22 Meanwhile , former Tottenham player Gary Lineker 's Japanese adventure got underway when he trained for the first time with his Grampus Eight teammates at Nagoya yesterday .
23 His remarks , in a Daily Telegraph interview , triggered protests from right-wing Tory MPs and pitched the Cabinet into more controversy as it met for the first time since the summer break .
24 His remarks , in a Daily Telegraph interview , triggered protests from right-wing Tory MPs and pitched the Cabinet into more controversy as it met for the first time since the summer break .
25 Yohan , an old man , was moved to tears as he read a tract , as he realised for the first time how much God loved him .
26 ‘ Well , ’ said Jane one afternoon as he emerged for the first time , blinking in the sun , ‘ how 's life in Lotus land ? ’
27 ‘ It was the talk of the set — the rumour monitors were working overtime , ’ Jim said yesterday as he talked for the first time about the couple 's whirlwind romance .
28 Though he admitted for the first time he was the author of his own downfall , he spent much of his speech attacking the press .
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