Example sentences of "[subord] [adj] for the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , if runners-up win substantial prizes , arrange where possible for the handover to be on the premises of a local supplier .
2 Although adequate for the needs of single-celled animals ( and such others as Hydra , where the body is only two cells thick ) , diffusion is too slow a process for most multi-cellular animals .
3 This will do no good for Amsterdam 's tourist trade and London will be wetter than average for the time of year .
4 Although unprepared for the success of his party Brazauskas called for a " government of national agreement " , adding ; " We will talk to other parties and do not want to usurp power . "
5 Although they may be regarded as suitable accommodation by some people , especially retired couples able to afford good-quality mobile homes , relatively poor facilities and frequently isolated locations make them less than ideal for the majority of inhabitants .
6 Equally , the rules and practices of the SRO should not restrict competition to an extent which is greater than necessary for the protection of investors .
7 Lempel Ziv Welch algorithm ( LZW ) : this uses a larger coding space than necessary for the symbols to be transmitted , and allocates the extra codes to sequences of symbols which occur in the message .
8 Sometimes mistaken for the name of a tribe of redskins , the word ‘ Hooliganism ’ established itself in Russia with such authority and incomprehensible rapidity that one observer thought in 1912 that it was ‘ as if it had long been expected , as if necessary for the filling of an empty space ’ .
9 Although it may be represented by the participants themselves as ‘ real ’ and ‘ literal ’ , the analyst should not be taken in by appearance which , while necessary for the act of communication , is only an ‘ as if ’ state .
10 If you are silly enough to categorize all your faults for the interviewer you will surely already have shown yourself as unsuitable for the job in many other ways .
11 In the rat this method can be regarded as specific for the enterochromaffin like cells , because the mast cells are few in the mucosa and restricted to the superficial layer .
12 Personally I think they are window-dressing as usual for the benefit of their Scottish support .
13 He arranged as quickly as possible for the vault under the House of Lords to be vacated by its tenant and the news that it was available for renting to be passed to the associates of Guy Fawkes .
14 The Way Ahead Committee which is a joint Bar Council/Inns Council committee established ‘ to examine means of ensuring that the resources of the Bar and Inns are managed as effectively as possible for the benefit of the profession ’ ; and
15 Meanwhile , the new Prime Minister , Mr Marian Calfa , has secured agreement from President Gorbachev to start bilateral talks as soon as possible for the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Czechoslovak soil .
16 I promise further to secure as many members as possible for the League of Decency .
17 Readership or audience numbers are no longer as crucial for the profitability of newspapers , TV channels , or radio stations as in earlier periods .
18 Socialization refers to the mechanisms by which the profession reproduces the motivations and attitudes regarded as appropriate for the practice of law .
19 If Bagehot 's text can be regarded as authoritative for the golden age of parliamentary government , then Albert Venn Dicey 's Law of the Constitution , published in 1885 , came to be regarded as authoritative for the period of parliamentary democracy since then .
20 ‘ In order to be made liable as principal for the acts of an agent the principal must at least consent to or adopt his appointment .
21 In both cases the person must be registered by the Panel as exempt for the purposes of the Code .
22 The fact that face-to-face communication is usually considered as basic for the purposes of deictic reference , does not imply , however , that the deictic context relevant to ordinary conversation is invariably and straightforwardly identified with the immediate situation in which the interaction takes place : In 1 it is the speaker 's physical location within a restricted spatial setting ( e.g. a room , a square , etc ) that is relevant to the disambiguation of the place deictic " here " , whereas in 2 the reference of the same adverb falls within a much wider context ( a whole country ) , and the spatial deictic centre includes the hearer as well as the speaker .
23 The legal system existing at any time is explained as functional for the development of the productive forces at that time , or ( in another version ) for the relations of production at that time .
24 The intended role of the SE is to facilitate cross-border co-operation by means of large-scale mergers and associations , which the Commission regard as imperative for the benefit of the Community , in order to enable European business to compete more efficiently in world markets against , for example , eg US and Japanese megaliths .
25 The House answered the question with an emphatic ‘ No , ’ requiring no argument from the prosecutor and expressing surprise that the Court of Appeal ( Criminal Division ) had certified the question as fit for the consideration of the House .
26 The 29 booksellers and stationers responding to the CBI survey were among the disappointed retailers , with 59% reporting sales volume down on a year ago and 57% describing the volume of sales as poor for the time of year .
27 Scrope now headed an institution already discredited by the involvement of its late president ( Lord Sheffield ) and secretary ( Sir Arthur Ingram , q.v. ) in the hated alum monopoly , regarded as responsible for the depression in the West Riding clothing industry .
28 Both Cosic and FRY Prime Minister Milan Panic had called for early presidential and general elections in Serbia to remove from power the republic 's hardline President Slobodan Milosevic , who was widely regarded as responsible for the continuation of the Bosnian conflict .
29 The decision not to simply take over the entire MoMA show was made partly on the grounds that the Pompidou has already mounted a major Matisse retrospective ( in 1971 ) , and partly through a desire to study in depth a period of the artist 's life now viewed as fundamental for the development of twentieth-century painting .
30 These , in their turn , were seen as indispensable for the explanation of actual behaviour .
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