Example sentences of "[subord] [art] [pron] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The one consolation though is there will be no Cubans — except the one in the Irish corner !
2 The one consolation though is there will be no Cubans — except the one in the Irish corner !
3 On a clear summer 's day there is no finer sea passage than the one along the eastern edge of the Minch , taking in all the sheer rugged beauty of the western highlands , then into the narrows of Raasay and Khylrea , the Sound of Sleat , on past the magical islands of Skye , Eigg Rhum and finally through the lovely Sound of Mull to the safe harbour of Oban .
4 There is a state-of-the-art cardiac resuscitation unit , much better than the one on the general medical wards .
5 If the one about the little drummer boy under Richmond Castle has appeared once it has appeared 1000 times , which is 1000 times more than anybody has heard the strains of the drum from under the place .
6 If no one in the Tory party believes that , why should the public ?
7 ‘ It is better to say nothing because no one in the outside world will understand : and it might be better to stay here . ’
8 Ideal for a small flat , the washer/dryer is as sophisticated as the one in the main house 's utility room .
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