Example sentences of "[subord] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 What more obvious than for the allies to outflank the French right to cut their lines of communication with Vienna ?
2 Although the decision has caused controversy , it is not so much because of the principles underlying the determination of a duty of care but mostly because of the House of Lords ' interpretation of the Companies Act responsibilities of auditors .
3 But partly because of the diversity of the French companies involved , and partly because of the distances separating the various European companies working for the CNES and ESA programmes , ‘ catching up with the Americans ’ has been an important unifying goal .
4 Second , because of the rules governing the payment of supplementary benefit to strikers ( to be discussed below ) the present system results ‘ in short strikes developing into long strikes ’ .
5 Middlesbrough and Charlton make up the group , Charlton tonight away to , Middlesbrough do n't play this evening , er no details as yet about how the game is going in Italy and we do n't expect to have any details either er because of the difficulties getting the score from Italy .
6 Lastly , it should be said that the most common practice , because of the uncertainties surrounding the reasonableness of general exclusion clauses , is to include two general exclusion clauses covering liability for any breach of contract ( however caused and whatever its seriousness ) , one excluding liability for economic loss in respect of such breaches , and the other limiting liability by reference to a fixed amount for any one breach and/or for all breaches under the contract .
7 for training systems this can be very expensive because of the requirements to monitor the learning process and compare procedures which are anyway never completely comparable .
8 Salvation is through the Jews , she often quoted Father Franklin who baptized her , for through the Jews came the Law , through the Jews came Christ , the Son of God was born a Jew , and the Holy Mother of God was a Jew and married a Jew .
9 They should not be put in automatically , but only after consideration as to the circumstances surrounding the formation of the contract .
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