Example sentences of "[subord] [prep] [art] [noun pl] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ( Except for the Baptists the influx did not lower the trend towards a more educated ministry : the total of all Baptist ministers without any formal higher education was only eighteen per cent by 1901 .
2 no less than in the Infants the time before ,
3 It 's a bit unnerving when people in the gallery laugh to their own jokes rather than to the ones the comedian is making .
4 Soon it was falling in icy , clattering streams , as if above the clouds the bottom of a reservoir had been suddenly pulled aside .
5 However , they made little impact until in the mid-1960s the Milk Marketing Board began to notice that many of its top AI dairy bulls seemed to have plenty of Canadian blood in them .
6 The agent might , for example , be at fault if in the circumstances the consent could be taken as sufficient evidence that the agent has power to consent ( i.e. , that there were reasons for holding the consent valid ) and the agent should have realized this .
7 In dealing with exemption clauses the UCTA has three possible reactions : the imposition of a total ban on all exemption clauses of that category ; the imposition of a ban on all such clauses unless in the circumstances the clause satisfies the criterion of " reasonableness " ; and no imposition of a ban at all .
8 Er because of the problems the stock piles of coal at various pits , I think there is about forty five million tons stocked at various pits , they 'll still be using coal from Bywater and so that there 's no necessity to mine coal in such er vast amount .
9 There 's too much paperwork involved in getting fairly simple cases before the court er er there is too much paperwork because of the demands the system makes of us .
10 Time after time he was shortlisted because at the interviews the company managers liked him ( he 's quite intelligent , outgoing and friendly ) .
11 However it is suggested ( see Newsletter Issue 1/93 , Sweet and Maxwell ) that the cases of Huntingdon v Hobbs [ 1992 ] EGCS 38 and Springette v Defoe [ 1992 ] Fam Law 459 show that as between the co-owners the Court will not regard the simple statement that the survivor can give a good receipt in the printed Form 19 ( JP ) as decisive of the existence of a beneficial joint tenancy ; thus the additional wording to the declaration ( see Precedent 35 , clause 2 ) .
12 Instructions on how to dissect the organ must be given and guidance as to the parts the learner is to identify , draw , describe etc. , based on the objectives .
13 For to the characters the story appears , to repeat a term used already , as a ‘ bewilderment ’ .
14 In such an environment London 's share of eurobond business has grown in a self-sustaining manner , as by the mid-1980s the origination activities of all the leading firms had become centralised in London .
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