Example sentences of "[subord] [prep] [art] [adj] time the " in BNC.

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1 Eleven weeks before the opening of the British Empire Exhibition ( where for the first time the King 's speech was transmitted by wireless to every part of the country and many parts of the British Empire ) , the house with every item in place was ready to be presented to both the Queen and the public .
2 Oil prices remained 35 per cent higher than at the same time the previous year , the prospect of increased trade with Saudi Arabia and Iran opened up and major development projects , such as the expansion of the Das Island gas liquefaction plant and Dubai 's dhow wharfage scheme , recommenced .
3 If the buyer subsequently retains the goods without objection , it may be taken to have accepted the offer ; however , if within a reasonable time the buyer responds making clear that it does not accept the seller 's terms , it will make a counter offer and will not be bound by the seller 's terms .
4 If at the same time the adult says , ‘ Look ’ or , ‘ What 's this ? ’ it seems plausible that the words will be interpreted by the child in terms of the communicative acts they accompany — that is , as ‘ attention-getters ’ and devices for locating conversational topics .
5 But even if the state is driven to an action , if at the same time the citizen is put at a serious disadvantage in the assertion of his legal , in this case of his constitutional , rights , by defence in the suit , justice may require that he should be at liberty to avoid those disadvantages by paying promptly and bringing suit on his side .
6 But even if the state is driven to an action , if at the same time the citizen is put at a serious disadvantage in the assertion of his legal , in this case of his constitutional , rights , by defence in the suit , justice may require that he should be at liberty to avoid those disadvantages by paying promptly and bringing suit on his side .
7 But even if the state is driven to an action , if at the same time the citizen is put at a serious disadvantage in the assertion of his legal , in this case of his constitutional rights , by defence in the suit , justice may require that he should be at liberty to avoid those disadvantages by paying promptly and bringing suit on his side .
8 But even if the state is driven to an action , if at the same time the citizen is put at a serious disadvantage in the assertion of his legal , in this case of his constitutional rights , by defence in the suit , justice may require that he should be at liberty to avoid those disadvantages by paying promptly and bringing suit on his side .
9 In 1965 the clash was more marked because for the first time the EEC was seriously attempting to inaugurate a common policy .
10 Such features are not consistent with the idea that the peninsula was built by longshore drift from the east , unless such drift was active only for short periods while during the intervening time the drift was predominantly from the west .
11 The discovery of deaf tutors in a sign language class causes a review of the concept of ‘ the deaf ’ as disabled , since for the first time the student may be in a learning situation where the person whom he feels he should be helping is actually shown to be more competent than he is .
12 The elections were a major test for Mahathir 's government , since for the first time the UMNO-dominated coalition faced a cohesive , multiracial coalition of opposition parties .
13 While at the current time the main focus of this work has been to better assess need through localities , work is being undertaken to identify ways in which budgets could be allocated to localities and purchasing carried out at the local level .
14 This would avoid any further deterioration of Franco-Prussian relations , while at the same time the succession to the Spanish Throne might also be resolved multilaterally .
15 In this way the homosexual writer is granted a dubious measure of liberal pity ( ‘ if only he had n't lived in such a repressive world ’ ) while at the same time the heterosexual critic distances the threatening possibility that a homosexual writer might have a great many insights into the codes , mechanisms and ideologies of heterosexuality itself .
16 By the 1940s and 1950s the Red Poll was one of Britain 's major breeds but , in the rush to set up new herds , breeding standards began to slip badly on the farm , while at the same time the invading Friesian , fed on concentrates , considerably outyielded the breed and by the early 1960s its popularity had tumbled .
17 This also permitted a closer coupling of the leading edge bridle attachments , while at the same time the ‘ cat 's cradle ’ cross-linking of the inner bridle lines served under flight tensions to restrain the leading edges from spreading apart .
18 John of Gaunt , it was proposed , would become a French prince and , through him , the link with England and its royal family would be maintained while at the same time the fundamental English objection that their king should not be a vassal of the king of France would be met .
19 In her other essay she considers the theme of female deceptiveness in those scriptures , arguing that it is the text itself which is deceptive through its failing to name the real problem : namely that the power relations which pertained between men and women forced women to seek to obtain their ends through underhand means , while at the same time the deviousness of women is used to justify their inferior position .
20 It also seems that applications to the tribunal selected for a pre-hearing assessment are more likely to proceed to a hearing than other cases , while at the same time the success rate for those who proceed in the face of an ‘ unlikely to succeed ’ warning is not very different from other cases ( DoE , 1988 ) .
21 Up on the Wolds , the Scots were looting and killing at Malton and around the villages of Kilham and Rudston ; shrewdly the prior of Bridlington sent a Scottish-born canon to Malton to negotiate for the safety of his house , while at the same time the priory prudently removed all its muniments , vestments and precious relics ( a piece of the true cross among them ) to Goxhill , in Lincolnshire , and left only eight canons with one chalice in Bridlington .
22 An economy may be highly efficient , in the sense that goods and services are produced with the minimum of waste and are allocated in accordance with the demand for them , while at the same time the basic needs of many go unsatisfied .
23 If the present value of the dividend stream ( D ) rose to £2500 , while at the same time the value of the index fell by x points , with no-arbitrage futures price would be [ ( 2400 - x ) × £25 - £2500 ] × 1.08 = £62100 - 27 x , and the basis would become 62 000 - 27 x - 60 000 + 25 x = 2100 — 2 x .
24 For some teachers not only was this difficult to plan and implement as an organizational strategy per se , but the increased demands imposed on them by the strategy meant that their opportunities for systematic and sustained monitoring of children 's progress were further reduced , while at the same time the increased levels of movement and disturbance in the classroom might adversely affect children 's concentration and time on task .
25 It tormented me beyond all endurance , while at the same time the awful silence of the terrible prison weighed me down .
26 Similarly , overachieving can be an addiction if the achievement is to no purpose or gratification while at the same time the costs to other relationships may be so high as to be catastrophic .
27 With observation that the primary sufferer has not been helped by the previous well-meaning actions of the family member while at the same time the life of the family member has definitely been harmed by various attempts to help or control the disease of the primary sufferer .
28 The Home Office is advising the police to increase the number of officers while at the same time the Department of the Environment is capping local authorities ' spending .
29 And these were the type of conditions that our members worked in , whilst at the same time the management provided plastic roofing you know , but it was n't efficient and it was cold and bitterly cold if I might say so erm for a long period .
30 These differing responses , the fundamental cause of most of the wars of history , were not necessarily taken with a knowledge of the effect that they would ultimately have , for at the relevant time the choice would not have been as clear to those making them , as it would be to minds educated to standards prevailing centuries later .
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