Example sentences of "[subord] [prep] [art] [noun] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ( 2 ) Provided that where by the partnership contract an option is given to surviving or continuing partners to purchase the interest of a deceased or outgoing partner , and that option is duly exercised , the estate of the deceased partner , or the outgoing partner or his estate , as the case may be , is not entitled to any further or other share of profits ; but if any partner assuming to act in exercise of the option does not in all material respects comply with the terms thereof , he is liable to account under the foregoing provisions of this section .
2 Welsh mothers were in general more concerned to keep an infant warm , although during the research period the publicity concerning the link between sudden infant death and temperature increased awareness of temperature , some mothers using room thermometers .
3 Although in the PC world the Macintosh and IBM-backed MS-DOS operating systems have become the two most dominant products how much longer are they likely to remain so ?
4 Although on a world scale the geothermal energy contribution is low , more than 50 countries are at present engaged in research into methods of exploiting it .
5 If for the Frankfurt School the problem to be dealt with was the relation of the phenomena of fascism , and particularly Auschwitz , to the ideals of the enlightenment and the progress of reason , for the French poststructuralists the historical perspective was similarly long .
6 [ 4.2 If by the Certificate Date the parties have been unable to agree whether any requirement of the Landlord made pursuant to clause 4.1 is reasonable the matter or matters in dispute shall be referred to a counsel to be agreed upon between the parties or failing agreement within [ 5 ] working days after the Certificate Date to one of the conveyancing counsel for the time being of the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice [ " Counsel " ] to be nominated on the application of either party by the President for the time being of the Law Society ( or his duly appointed deputy or any other person authorised by him to make appointments on his behalf ) and Counsel shall :
7 ROBBIE REGAN 'S first defence of his European flyweight title , against Londoner Danny Porter , was yesterday postponed because of an ankle injury the champion suffered in training .
8 The keyboards could put copy into the computers but because of the software problem the computers refuse to release it .
9 This is the best of the three since because of the nose rocker the landing is soft and you can recover quickly to the normal sailing position .
10 Karen fears this may have been because of the news coverage the triplets had when they were born .
11 Learn to master the simple move before attempting more complex ones , and remember that because of the viewing angle the pitch does n't seem as wide as it really is .
12 In part , of course , the problem was simply that the Soviet archives were inaccessible to western scholars , while during the Stalin era the documents and memoirs published in the Soviet Union were sparse and manifestly tendentious .
13 Whereas in the search stage the main task in the media reporting is the construction of the sex beast , at the trial stage — reflecting the activity within the courtroom — the delineation of the sex beast is often ruled or even avoided .
14 It was argued that in the verbal rehearsal condition subjects had to name the picture probe before a match could be performed on a verbal basis , while in the imagery condition a match could be made directly .
15 As did the House Manager who roamed throughout performances in the foyer or the staircases , the bars of Stalls , Dress Circle and Upper Circle , keeping an eye on programme girls ( most of them certainly mature ) who , in their black dresses and little aprons , ushered , sold programmes and in the intervals brought trays of tea and biscuits ( coffee in the evenings ) , while in the orchestra pit the band ( tuxedoed , although who knew whether their trousers matched ) played pleasing music .
16 In this study the difference between conditions was that in the neutral set of slides the father was a car mechanic seen fixing an engine , while in the arousal version the father was a surgeon operating on a badly injured patient .
17 On Hutaple Crag , Ron Kenyon and Steve Reid have added Scallywag , E1 , up to the left of the crag , while in the Borrowdale area the same duo climbed Needless Sports , HVS , starting to the left of Squawk and finishing to its right .
18 Usually the right side is the purl side , while on the knit side the weaving hardly shows at all .
19 To complete the picture , the restaurant opens out onto a rooftop garden and lawn , while on the ground floor the staff have top leisure facilities including a swimming pool and sauna .
20 The first part was splendid , since on the west side the Forest rises steeply to about eight hundred metres before the high plateau slopes gradually down to the Danube basin .
21 Deep safe water was a dark royal blue , while over a coral reef the sea shaded to green or , when perilously shallow , to brown , and Thessy , peering ahead , would shout at me to go to port or starboard , or even to go backwards as fast as the motors would catch hold .
22 As with the compromise approach the voting approach is designed to sooth the egos of those involved and not Co solve the problem .
23 As with the Nayar example the following ethnography has an eighteenth- rather than a twentieth-century flavour but weddings of a similar general type can still be observed .
24 Again , as in the Dee Hall the staff regarded his administration as ‘ firm but fair ’ .
25 To the company as to the stage-coach manager a person is someone who can pay the fare .
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