Example sentences of "[subord] [prep] [pron] [pron] [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 My peers are more tolerant , more willing to accept me for what I am rather than for what I might produce or become in the hierarchy .
2 And I am more worried about what he thinks of me than of what he might do to Havvie . ’
3 But this second mutation of Christianity was the work more of a change in the nature of the Roman world itself , its social and its political structure as well as its intellectual assumptions and its culture , than of anything we might call ‘ the impact of the barbarians ’ on it .
4 ‘ Er — you 've — hm — not told me any more lies , then ? ’ she strove desperately hard to get herself back together , although from what she could see of it Ven was n't objecting that his kisses had the power to scatter all sensible thought .
5 He was altogether more interested , on the surface at any rate , in what he found there than in what he could observe of people and events around him .
6 Christians , too , look to Abraham as the father of all those who depend in faith on God rather than on anything they can do for themselves ( see Romans 4:16 ) .
7 In the end the doctor , being far-sighted enough to believe in the value of hypnosis when properly practised , sent her to me to see if between us we could unearth the cause of the problem .
8 The by-laws were lawful not because of what they said but rather because of what they would have said if they had been drafted lawfully .
9 Because of what they would have done to us . ’
10 As we will see , hesitations are an important subject of study because of what they can reveal about the mechanisms being employed when people produce spoken language .
11 ‘ Perhaps Mistress Hopkins was murdered simply because of what she might know . ’
12 ‘ That poor old woman was murdered , ’ Benjamin declared , ‘ not because she had said or done anything wrong but simply because of what she might know .
13 After the words he had written to her , it was churlish of her to avoid him , but she dreaded any interview because of what she must say .
14 He wanted to find her , certainly , but not so much because of his job as a reporter , rather because of what he might learn from her .
15 Because of what you might have remembered since . ’
16 I use it only because of what it can become in later stages of evolution : the power of a snake 's fang , for instance , to propagate ( by its indirect consequences on snake survival ) DNA coding for fangs .
17 But you can see why if you 're selling inappropriately , if you sell someone for example , a savings plan , and they cash it in the first four years , and they do n't even get what they paid in it , how they 're going to be very annoyed , because from what they could see , they were getting a savings plan .
18 Here and now he was with them and while with them he would enjoy .
19 Finally , All that Dwell Therein shows that the debate is important , not just for the effect it might ultimately have on our treatment of animals , but for what it might reveal about ourselves .
20 ‘ An Odets play was awaited like news hot off the press , as though through him we would know what to think of ourselves and our prospects . ’
21 He is very wealthy and everyone looks up to him but as for me I could understand from my limited Italian he is very sad because one of his ships is very late in arriving in port and is feared lost .
22 " Why does n't your father tell him to go ? " asked Clara , for from what she could recollect of Mr Denham , she could not picture him suffering fools gladly .
23 But this is one candle you can not possibly afford to extinguish in your life , for without it you may lose much of the valuable to-and-fro of friendship , which can protect you from isolation , and act as a safety-valve when you are under strain .
24 We think now , as Christmas approaches , and that elusive fishkeeping present becomes top priority , is the perfect time to get the unbiased recommendations of our experts as to what they would buy , given the chance .
25 P. A friendly person , someone who is good to session with , someone who can appreciate someone else 's skating and not to judge them as to what they can do but also who they are and how they are .
26 There is a difference , I think , between making children feel responsible for righting the wrongs of the world that we as adults have created , but at the same time to be able to enable them to think constructively as to what they can do .
27 In theory it is possible to obtain insurance against warranty liability ( e.g. Directors and officers ) but in practice the insurers are normally so demanding in the kind of confirmations they require and so restrictive as to what they will insure ( eg not taxation ) that this is rarely practicable or worthwhile .
28 My legacy to my children would be not to try to influence them in any way as to what they should study .
29 When the time came there was not much doubt as to what they should do .
30 They will not be pressurised as to what they should put on or should not put on .
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