Example sentences of "[subord] [adv] [adv] in [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The view that will be taken is that it does matter very much , although not quite in the way in which previous writers about environmental doom have envisaged .
2 Russ looked like a school master , although not quite in the stereotype of a middle class school teacher .
3 Hoover 's optimism about the future of the USA had been underlined by the words he used on accepting nomination We in America today are nearer the final triumph over poverty than ever before in the history of any land .
4 Moreover her rule saw in Russia an unprecedented growth of intellectual life and a flow and expression of ideas more free than ever before in the country 's history .
5 I reiterate what the Minister said : the aerospace industry in general is exporting more than ever before in the face of substantial competition from abroad .
6 Japan , although further behind in the race , is forming collaborations to close the gap .
7 More mortgages are probably lent from within 30 miles of this city centre than anywhere else in the country .
8 There are two unsolved murders ; crime rates are rising more rapidly here than anywhere else in the country ; and there 's an on-going battle for a bigger budget and more staff .
9 Mr Aird who has visited nearly all the guide 's 5,000 hang-outs reckons beer in Liverpool is between 15p and 20p cheaper than anywhere else in the country .
10 Staff accepted lower wages because Virgin seemed to be a more agreeable place to work than anywhere else in the record industry .
11 But the fact remained that there were more women in positions of authority in Virgin than anywhere else in the record industry .
12 The densities per square kilometre of its human and livestock populations are greater than anywhere else in the continent .
13 It has more cars per square kilometre than anywhere else in the world .
14 They are low-income countries and India has more desperately poor people than anywhere else in the world , but in 1988 China 's growth rate was 11 per cent and India 's 8 per cent , well ahead of their population increases .
15 First , air traffic in the Asia-Pacific region is growing at a faster rate than anywhere else in the world .
16 At just 24p , the chocolate treat is cheaper here than anywhere else in the world , except America where it costs the same .
17 ‘ Yes , Tudor darling , understand why this land is more wonderful than anywhere else in the world and why it is yours , just as much as it is mine .
18 There are perhaps more collectors of antiques in this country than anywhere else in the world .
19 ‘ Azerbaijan is the Texas of mud volcanoes : they are bigger , more active and there are more of them than anywhere else in the world — and they are clearly associated with oil and gas generation . ’
20 There are 25,000 psychiatrists , more than anywhere else in the world except the US .
21 California 's Silicon Valley , home of computer high-tech , has more PhDs per square mile than anywhere else in the world .
22 In a keynote address on Nov. 8 the Director of the WHO Global Programme on AIDS , Michael Merson , said that the AIDS pandemic in Asia might ultimately be more massive in scope and overwhelming in impact than anywhere else in the world [ see also pp. 38747 ; 39032 ] .
23 There may be more early-music ensembles of international repute based in Southern England than anywhere else in the world .
24 Government ministers admit that ozone levels are higher than anywhere else in the world .
25 More children are being seriously injured in cycling accidents in Darlington than anywhere else in the county .
26 He added that although the figures might seem worrying , the number of people using bicycles in the town was greater than anywhere else in the county by 3.4 per cent .
27 More children are seriously hurt in bike accidents in the town than anywhere else in the county , Darlington Cycling Forum heard .
28 If you live in Oxford , in the City area of Oxford , you have a far higher chance of getting a home help , getting a place in an elderly person 's home , getting a meals on wheels , than anywhere else in the county , and between the different areas of the county there are vast differences in that .
29 This signal AC/190 was not sent on to AFHQ until much later in the day on 14 May , and a copy marked " Personal for General Morgan " , the Chief of Staff , was received in Caserta just after midnight , at 0005 hrs .
30 Had she really agreed to live if not exactly in a wilderness , yet certainly in a place which gave every appearance of being truly rural ?
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