Example sentences of "[subord] [adv] [prep] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The wheel , of 16 feet diameter , and most of the machinery is still intact although apparently in a poor state of repair .
2 However , there are many other radio stations around the country that can influence the success of your record , albeit only on a regional basis .
3 He did n't think of her as often now , except perhaps on a long weekend when he was off-duty ; the rest of the time he had things to occupy his mind .
4 But the general proposition that human affairs must be understood from within does not require the assumption that individuals make history , except perhaps as a convenient device for identifying what calls for deeper understanding .
5 Unlike Princess Julie , the rest of the family spent their time in repeating malicious gossip about Eugénie 's past life , hinting that she had a more than dubious reputation , but their attitude in no way influenced the Emperor , except perhaps in a contrary sense .
6 Willingness is essential for a good child 's pony , and one would think necessary , although perhaps to a lesser degree , for most adults to really enjoy riding too .
7 Perhaps one of the most valuable assets of TL is restoring some tangible contact with the environment , although only to a limited extent .
8 The fact that central government was now beginning to regard Siberia as an integral part of Russia as a whole , rather than merely as a colonial appendage , was marked by the abolition in 1763 of the Siberian Department ( Sibirskii prikaz ) , the central state bureau which had , with a brief interruption under Peter the Great , been directly responsible for the governance and administration of the territory since 1637 .
9 Evidence in favour of this interpretation of the phrase ‘ the physical environment ’ is found in DoE Circular 55/77 ( now withdrawn ) which made it clear that a statement of pollution policy could appropriately form part of a structure plan , albeit necessarily of a general nature since they are policies stated by an authority ( county council ) responsible neither for air pollution control nor for most development control .
10 The history of the Kilwinning papingo shoot is much longer and more interesting , The Ancient Society of Kilwinning Archers was formed in 1483 and is still in existence , although not with a continuous history .
11 For events that appear to be crises at the time ( although not in a longer perspective ) occur even in the intervening years .
12 Development can only be achieved over time , and more often than not along a difficult path .
13 Nonetheless , it was Major 's readiness to use this language ( which , interestingly , Mrs Thatcher , in her effluvial megalomania , regards as Marxist ) that allowed people to vote Conservative , albeit not with a clear conscience .
14 Hereabouts , there are more signs of human occupation , albeit still on a small scale : small townships , scattered crofts , and a few large hotels to suggest that we are entering an area frequented by tourists .
15 If PF1/4 is pressed more than once during a single LIFESPAN log on session , all the requests will be directed to one copy of FORM.LST , which can then be printed after you have returned to VMS .
16 Mr Babangida 's regime has concentrated power more than ever in a central executive .
17 But he was there waiting and looked more handsome than ever in a grey suit with a white shirt .
18 Our mountain — Chong Kumdan — lay to the east of the Siachen , and although still in a sensitive area , was far enough from the fighting to persuade government officials to sanction our visit .
19 The use of calendar rather than trading time may be because interest accrues in calendar time , and information arrives during non-trading periods ( although possibly at a slower rate than in trading time ) .
20 Equally , the same story holds true for Optical Laser and Compact Discs ( CDs ) , although hopefully to a lesser degree .
21 There was a particularly nasty crematorium in Mitcham , he recalled , with a chapel that looked more than usually like a public lavatory .
22 Despite this , much of the site was still in use for cloth manufacture , although probably on a smaller scale , as parts were leased out to tenants .
23 A new ( wooden ) professional 's shop was built nearer the first tee and is still to be seen above the Secretary 's office , although now in a poor state of repair and its demolition likely .
24 Like Bentham 's own reasons for designing the Panopticon , the Government has suggested that managerial staff should install microelectronics technology on their premises for financial reasons , in the pursuit of profit or to safeguard continued economic viability , rather than out of a perceived need to save energy per se .
25 Thus , alcohol and other mood altering substances come to be seen in reality as mood-altering chemicals rather than solely as a perceived solution to problems .
26 said there had probably never been a better time than now for a private company or public body to carry out a property audit .
27 The computations are thus interpretative processes , carried out by the visual system considered as a symbol-manipulating system rather than simply as a physical transducer ( though Marr attempts to ground his computational hypotheses in specific facts of visual psychophysiology ) .
28 Unlike offices , the level of income fluctuates although sometimes over a longer period it fluctuates at a higher level than commercial .
29 These passions are disinterested , in the sense that they excite me to help or harm you as in yourself attractive or repulsive to me , irrespective of further advantage to myself ; they treat you not as means but as end , if only as a negative end .
30 Not that he did n't know its history — he had been part of it , if only as a silent witness of his brothers ' refusal to join the Fenian organisation which had started trying to recruit the young men of their day .
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