Example sentences of "[subord] [adv] [prep] the [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 While the heyday for Greek columns was between the 1830s and the 1850s , the classical style carried on although not to the same degree .
2 This shows that after a freshening in the early 1970s , the salinity ( and temperature ) began to increase in the early 1980s , although not to the same level as in 1970 .
3 The offices on the mainland also saw their fee income fall , although not to the same extent .
4 This is fairly well known , but it is not commonly realized that synthetic detergents are affected deleteriously by the hardness of the water , although not to the same extent as soaps .
5 We found that Blacks were over-represented , although not to the same extent as in London , 6 per cent .
6 Any particular location only appeared once in the 48 stimuli , however , stimuli consisted of 24 pairs where the two films in any pair showed an identical manoeuvre in similar traffic conditions although not at the same location .
7 More disposals are likely in 1992 , although not at the same rate as last year .
8 Besides being the only decent covered area at ‘ The Tip ’ , the stand was a local landmark , and although not in the same class perhaps as the Eiffel Tower , it was held in great affection by nearby residents .
9 Spar 's wine selection has been steadily upgraded since Philippa Carr 's arrival , and although not in the same league as the major supermarkets , it is still a very handy outlet .
10 Every lawyer in the team is a supervisor for another lawyer and is in turn supervised , although not by the same lawyer .
11 Officials maintain that living standards here are higher than elsewhere in the former superpower , but rationing exists for cereals , sugar , butter , flour , petrol and other basic goods .
12 What you were saying about approachability of lecturers , I 'm not afraid to ask for help , but I am reticent to ask for help more than once on the same thing , because I would hate them to think that I had n't been listening first time round or that I was stupid .
13 In the case of 44% , it only happened once ; for 29% it happened more than once with the same person ; for 19% there were three or more different people on separate occasions .
14 Potential and confirmed breeders of tropical fish really should see this one if only for the many tips they 'll acquire .
15 He 'd met Sean Penn maybe 20 times , and they went to the same clubs on Melrose and Sunset , even if not at the same time or on the same night .
16 It can therefore be used to associate paintings , if not to the same artist , at least geographically .
17 Two were out of contact because of physical distance : the fate of a Berwickshire couple who had emigrated to Australia was ‘ a mystery ’ , while even within the same county a Norfolk farm labourer 's parents were too far away to visit on foot , so the family ‘ hardly ever saw them . ’
18 Whilst not on the same scale as in Paris , an open day was held earlier this year in the Crown Court at Teesside .
19 It is just that in that particular situation he had to act as he did , and to have acted differently would have meant that he would have been in the wrong though not for the same reason .
20 To be fair , I was as opposed to the idea as he was , though not for the same reason .
21 They were offered , as Sue Lawley proudly pointed out , the only opportunity of quizzing all three party leaders under the same roof , though not at the same time .
22 But I felt strongly that , like Dickens again , though not to the same extent , he needed occasionally to get out into the open : which is why he made his way down to Cornwall once or twice to see Ronald Duncan .
23 Despite his outdated slang , James understood him , and agreed , though not in the same sense as Alfred .
24 He does what he has to do in situations of moral dilemma , though he knows it to be wrong , because to act differently would have been wrong also though not in the same way .
25 For Betty , pupil autonomy is also an issue , though not in the same way as it is for Rick .
26 The following are the main areas the vendor will be asked to warrant and are covered in the main sale agreement ( see Appendix III ) though not in the same order as they appear below .
27 Ryan Giggs has achieved nearly as much as Best at the same age .
28 This leads to districts asking hospitals to do as before with the same money and little changes .
29 Well er we 're running something else as well at the same time so .
30 done as well at the same time
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