Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] look [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 MMT has two main lines of business : developing , implementing and supporting custom applications ; and software facilities management , where it looks after the day-to-day operation of a customer 's software .
2 I 'm in bed reading , so I look at the little security system we have , look at the screen — I do n't know this chap , he 's obviously drunk , and obviously ex-public school .
3 ‘ But the demand is coming from the young so we look at the educational side to cut that demand . ’
4 Alright but in any double logged mode , right , the coefficients you estimate are elasticities , so we look at the incoming elasticity , we get a measure , or we get an estimate point six eight , right , that 's a positive as we would expect suggesting that er erm textiles are a normal good , right .
5 Tallboy was n't sure how to judge his superior 's tone but he needed a fillip to his esteem right now so he looked on the bright side .
6 Now the curious thing was that if you looked at the early atmosphere , the molecules in that were the molecules that we expected to see in interstellar space .
7 I 've got some olive oil but I 've noticed if you look on the olive oil that some of the , some of it is n't mono unsaturates is it , you know , on a lot of it
8 If you look at the net debt in greater detail it is still the difference between erm substantial gross debt and substantial amounts of cash , each of which have gone up somewhat during the year .
9 Government grant is distributed through a mechanism which is now called the standard spending assessment , an awful word , or phrase , but it is absolutely vital , and if you look at the standard spending assessment given to this county the government is saying we ought to be able to provide all the services for a total cost of eight hundred and seventy nine pounds per charge payer .
10 Erm as we see it , there are en two possible courses on the new settlement that in fact you end up if you look at the right hand side of that sheet of paper , with four possible answers .
11 If you look at the strategic guidance for West and South Yorkshire , and I fully admit that we still have to see the erm the colour of regional guidance .
12 If you look at the revised mid-year estimate , the figure there if we 're keeping things in balance between county and and Leeds , is six thousand two hundred and fifty , net out migration .
13 If you look at the general secretary report under the regional sections there is an invisible service you 'll be unable to find the health and safety side .
14 In fact if you look at the average price of a package holiday since nineteen seventy eight , the increase in prices has been absolutely marginal .
15 However in this aircraft we have specified a very high degree of re reliability and if you look at the total number of occurrences for each piece of equipment that are going to require maintenance , it 's so low that it does n't justify the provision of maintenance facilities on every base .
16 Er Now a lot of things in Lakehoff 's paper perhaps people have disagreed with since then such as the things about tag questions and hedges erm I mean some studies have said that if you look at the actual modality of tag questions , like we said before , the actual function of it
17 assessments are available , and Mrs will confirm as the same as the cycling issue for example the value and assessments will be made available , these are vast documents of many pages , if you look at the actual , the final page you 'll see there in fact that the
18 If you look at the blue line in the middle of the slide then look to your right , each of those erm icons represents a source or service provider a server on the network .
19 The obvious two are Kevin Keegan — he 'd be crap … he 's just a jumped up little Geordie who still has n't shown he can produce a really imaginative team ; and Glen Hoddle — now , hed be my choice … why ? because he 's young , has the respect of the players , would introduce the concept of playing football into the national team ( after all , if you look at the individual skill level of English players it 's as good as just about anywhere in the world … it 's just that managers have refused to let them play ) .
20 It 's not really a loss if you look at the overall company situation . ’
21 On , on the point of representation , in fact , er , I think there have been representations made already be those authorities who felt they were disadvantaged in the first case , and so what you 've seen with , using this method of distribution , is a switch actually , of expenditure to London boroughs , London boroughs felt that they had lost , er , in the first round of S T G , but now if you look at the overall spread they and the er , Mets have gained .
22 it 's way down the I mean all these people go , Oh it 's people are n't using the english language properly but if you look at the english
23 and if you look at the Scottish results
24 Well once again if you look at the er er if you look at the full page which costs nine hundred pound on a on a golf club score card and you look at the full page in the A five booklet
25 Specifically in Highways and Planning , if you look at the previous report , the enclos following profile one , you will see that in the Highways Planning Department excepting the offices , it is almost entirely male , and I think this is , it 's for the Director of Highways and Planning to say in the end , I think this is an acknowledgement by him that in the way that you mentioned nevertheless it seems to be apparent in some way , shape or form , women are not getting equal opportunity in that department .
26 If you look at the social service budget , we are actually putting into effect the new Children 's Act legislation , which was absent from the Labour budget entirely .
27 I think they 're unfair questions to respond to erm if you look at the potential calls on the contingency budget in the forthcoming year they 're been outlined by the officers .
28 Well , oh yes , I 'm sure I 'm not saying that 's the only thing that controls people 's food intake I mean clearly there are things cultural some cultures , the Japanese seem to love eating raw fish , I mean how they can bring themselves to do it I do now know , I mean the raw is I do n't think I 'd want to eat again , but er erm not always if they were cooked either , but erm the , the er and certainly if you look at the Australian Aborigines even though we take the Australian Aborigines as our kind of primeval people , they have astonishing food taboos , I mean their attitudes to food are very very culturally er effective to , to a quite extraordinary extent , some so that somebody somebody discovered that eating a tabooed food by accident , they 'll get very ill , a kind of psychosomatic illness .
29 If you look at the pressed flower pictures in this book you will see that I have chosen backing materials that contrast with or complement the colours of the flowers .
30 Well I think if you look at the main jobs in Britain , all the managers are male , and I think it 's , it 's gon na change when we do have females and males in all these erm , these jobs that are managing the main N H S , social work
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