Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] have been [v-ing] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Ruth swung her long tanned legs to the patio and sat up in the lounger where she had been soaking up the sun lasciviously for the past hour and irrationally telling herself that if Fernando Serra had really loved her he would n't have let her slip away from him so easily .
2 Craftsman Dale appears , streaked in oil , from the depths of the engine compartment Where he has been tightening up a mounting bolt .
3 Fortunately for me , some of my friends and relations like something a bit more unusual , so I have been working out some new ideas for this year for those ‘ champagne ’ garments on a ‘ lemonade ’ income .
4 So she 's been coming down with you , has she ? ’ asked Greg .
5 Er , although they 've been moving around with me , but er they did very well in their studies in the end .
6 For them the time must have flown by , but for me it seemed as if I 'd been standing out there all morning !
7 at a , a particular wee bit if I 've been leaning back ,
8 Yeah cos I 've been coming round at , cos you said I 'm in all day , you know sort of any time .
9 Complete removal of weeds , including all the roots , is important , preferably by hand or while digging ; incidentally , do remember that some of them may be the very plants you are intending to grow , though if the area contains horsetail it is better not to try growing perennial plants in it until you have been clearing out this weed for some years .
10 When she had finished , her whole body throbbed , ached , was raw , as if she had been cutting up small pieces of herself .
11 Sometimes I enjoy it , it depends what mood I 'm in , and if she 's been playing up .
12 That way it will look as if you 've been asking around about me . ’
13 If you 'd been facing back there you 'd be swearing that was east .
14 But if you 'd been playing about with your sister 's husband you might feel inhibited .
15 If you have been holding off before making changes , now is the time for making some new beginnings .
16 If you have been missing out , you may be able to claim back anything you have lost for up to six years and should receive a tax rebate .
17 well needs a I think one of the things we discussed in the branch action group meeting is actually , were n't quite sure what the cos we 'd been sending out for quite less than ten of the branches because to do something to them which was mm apparently lots of them in but erm well they keep disappearing so that the what we 've been talking about is to try and get some points erm health and safety station within the branch , which actually just has all this stuff for it .
18 Well as long as you do n't mind the high mileage cars but if they 've been going up and down the motorway all the time
19 Even if they 'd been sitting down to breakfast with a headless horseman . ’
20 boy , boy friends before , they married them , they were n't sleep , if they 'd been sleeping around then I would of said something , then I would of said something to them ,
21 Cos they 've been building up like that and they 're bound to fall down .
22 Yeah well th cos they 've been waiting up there on the thing and they 've land or they 've just been circ
23 Women like the fact that he looks like he 's been rolling around in hay .
24 So they came back but of course , if it 's jus if it 's been pouring in on that bathroom ceiling again it 's , it , when I took , when Elsie called up to me , come and look at this , the bathroom ceiling was black mould !
25 Rather embarrassed that he had waited … as if he had been hanging on … shy , although it could not be the surroundings , he very gratefully accepted the offer of claret , knew it to be a good one and said so … did not know quite what to say … he had found a peculiar empathy grow between himself and this handsome , strong , elegant , privileged man of the world when they had been in the little hill church of St Kentigern 's .
26 It lent to his words an air of impressive finality , as if he had been thinking out each point for the first time and had come to a halt .
27 I could not have cared if he had been lying out on those wild moors bleeding to death .
28 If he had been walking out with any other girl in service in the town they could have stayed in on a wet night and talked by the kitchen range , but with the Hogans hovering around he had to bring Patsy out into the rain .
29 Although , she reasoned realistically , if he had been fooling around behind her back it indicated that what he felt for her fell very far short of love , in which case he would probably have cancelled the wedding if she had n't .
30 If he had been working out of the Embassy in Washington , if he was being shunted round the F.B.I .
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