Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [vb base] [pron] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Choir night , so I get myself an early supper .
2 Once I know what the other operettas will be , I shall work with her every day .
3 It could be that you 've never taken your family abroad on holiday , so you set yourself a little objective , that in two years ' time , I want to take them all , even if it 's a damn package deal on a flight to Tenerife , do it , will you feel good , will the family enjoy it ?
4 Though you may not want the negative situation to arise and though you may do your best to avoid it , once you know what the worst possible outcome would be and that you could cope with it , a great deal of the anxiety is removed .
5 Although they give me a good start for next issue .
6 he 's after something , h his apprenticeship so they give him a thousand pound
7 If I show you the general norms it makes a lot more sense .
8 I noted , and we 've already had the flavour of it , in to some respect today , that initially you had almost unanimity of support from the District Councils er York City have changed their view erm and equally Hambledon are very luke warm , if I put it no more than that , er on the idea of a new settlement in the sense that they probably support the principle of the new settlement , but not in Hambledon .
9 " Hell buy ten grand 's worth of … ( an electronics company ) , if I tell him the latest profit figures .
10 Well if I tell you a little secret about this .
11 ‘ What if I tell you the whole truth ?
12 You know very often a parent , if a parent senses a child it 's partly in the interests of reality you know , like I say to my younger son you know , look if I buy you a third Big Mac , let's face it , you wo n't be able to eat it .
13 You see , if I do you a wrong and you forgive me , it 's not because I 've exercised grace , it 's because you 've exercised the grace .
14 The only way people will trust me is if I give them a signed piece of paper with my address on . ’
15 Do you think you can manage the walk back to Three Colt Street , if I give you a helping hand ? ’
16 It is the most beautiful thing you will ever wear — until I surpass myself the next time ! ’
17 ‘ It is beautiful , ’ she said coyly , ‘ it is the most beautiful dress I will ever wear , until I surpass myself the next time . ’
18 And I sha n't come back until I remember what the great Daybog said , " This news made the old man very sad , for he loved Yanek the best of his three grandsons .
19 ‘ My mother can come with us until I find her a suitable companion . ’
20 The interview goes well until you give him a friendly pat on the back …
21 Not until you give me a few answers and do me the courtesy of telling the truth . ’
22 Again another thing too , is that boosting your ego side , if you s if you set yourself a little bit of a target and you can manage it er can you run up the hill ?
23 and a half , one over two the reciprocal of a half if you turn it the other way round it 's two over one
24 I think erm I think is quite fair maybe if concessions could be raised to one fifty or two pounds but overall I think that people who can afford it spend such a lot of money on the raffle and we therefore give raffle tickets to those who can afford it could jealousy and on the raffle generally about a hundred pounds is made and if there , if there was more charge for tickets , people might not give so much for the raffles and also if you give but if you charge them a nominal sum and then shove other things at them on their options they might be more willing to give to optional choices like a raffle .
25 A great family such as the Milettis is like a sleeping bear : it may look massively apathetic and unimpressionable but each hair of its pelt is wired straight into the creature 's brain , and if you twitch it the wrong way the thing will flex its tendons and turn on you , unzipping its claws .
26 I am doubtful about the validity of ‘ torturing the evidence ’ : surely , if you torture someone the usual result is that he will speak the truth .
27 Again , you 'll see a good example of that , where closed questions are good in a situation if you want to get a direct answer to somebody who tends to waffle , but again , if you 're asked closed questions and you want to give information , it is harder , it 's easier if you ask somebody an open question and on the film , John Cleese comes up with the starters to an open question , which are the Who , What , Which , Why , Where , When questions .
28 If you pay us an extra premium before you go abroad we may extend the full cover of your policy to include a country outside the territorial limits and we will give you an International Motor Insurance Card ( Green Card ) .
29 If you pay us an extra premium before you go abroad we may extend the full cover of your policy to include a country outside the territorial limits and we will give you an International Motor Insurance Card ( Green Card ) .
30 If you pay us an extra premium before you go abroad we may extend the full cover of your policy to include a country outside the territorial limits and we will give you an International Motor Insurance Card ( Green Card ) .
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