Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [vb past] [pn reflx] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 Immediately he threw himself into the organization of a monster Albert Hall rally to welcome the Revolution .
2 He remembered writing of Paula 's death , — of how he could not live without knowing the truth , and how , if he gave himself into the hands of the great Whale , he knew that he would be reunited with her in death .
3 She had worked for Pringle 's for years , and Vic was heavily dependent on her know-how while he eased himself into the job .
4 With the first Dalek one , for example , I let Richard Martin , again a new Director , do a few episodes but under the wings of Christopher who set up the serial and so , kind of , held his hand while he eased himself into the role of Director , which was good experience for him .
5 Usually it was late afternoon before I tossed myself into the near-coma from which Gwenellen had just woken me .
6 ‘ I took her there for a last relaxing evening before we threw ourselves into the election campaign .
7 So I was n't bitter when I put myself into the hands of the surgeon and that splendid bank nurse was so thoughtful as to ask me the question .
8 When she lowered herself into the chair , there was a loud squelching noise similar to that made by a hippopotamus when lowering its foot into the mud on the banks of the Limpopo River .
9 It drove him mad when she turned herself into a sphinx as a ruse to avoid facing the truth .
10 When she let herself into the flat , Ralph was waiting in the hall .
11 ‘ You really are a darling Barney , ’ Julie laughed , as she lowered herself into the rear of the two individual cockpits and pulled the waterproof liner around her waist .
12 Ace unfastened her safety harness and clutched the sides of her shaking couch as she pulled herself into a sitting position .
13 When they launched themselves into the dusk they seemed to fill the sky to the north for long minutes , and their cries reached as far as the village .
14 The New Party made some members when they started , but when they turned themselves into the Fascist Party er they they rid of themselves of many of these er New Party peop , was in the New Party you know .
15 The monstrous arrogance of a Henry VIII , the pathological need for flattery of an Elizabeth , may suggest that this was a side of kingship which was in danger of taking monarchs out of touch with reality , as they wound themselves into a cocoon of adulation .
16 His mother was watching the weather forecast on television when he let himself into the house .
17 He turned to meet the Doctor 's gaze as he righted himself into an undignified crouch .
18 But as he drove himself into a last titanic effort to surface into the light , the pain began to divide and concentrate itself in three separate areas of his body ; his head , his right arm and his chest .
19 He kept on his coat , fully buttoned , as he eased himself into an armchair by the sitting-room fire .
20 She made herself as comfortable as she could , listening to the sounds Travis made as he zipped himself into the sleeping-bag and made himself comfortable .
21 After a moment 's hesitation she sat in one of the large armchairs , half expecting to be pushed on to the settee , but he allowed her to sit alone , only raising an eyebrow as he lowered himself into the matching chair .
22 He looked to belong to a different generation from that of Dysart and Ockleton , his face flushed and lined beneath a mane of grey hair , his chest heaving desperately as he lowered himself into the wheelchair .
23 ‘ Steve ! ’ she cried in amazement as he let himself into the apartment , grinning all over his silly face as if he 'd just popped out for a paper that morning and found he 'd won the state lottery .
24 By 7.45 , as he crammed himself into the visitors ' gallery .
25 Giles 's girlfriend Venetia , meanwhile , encircled by the arms of Hargreaves , had started to laugh , and Giles began to laugh too : ‘ Oh Christ , sorry , Liz , sorry , Kate , ’ he declared , as he organized himself into a sitting position , his arms around his knees , ‘ I should never have had those two whiskies at the Venables ’ . ’
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