Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [verb] up [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Come and see the sorcerer 's kitchen where I brew up the grotesque potions that make me a legend here . ’
2 When he was at home he had begun living at the School , where he boarded up the broken windows and had the chimneys cleaned .
3 And as independents Tony Carlin and William McCorriston , both formerly of the SDLP , counted their losses last night , the SDLP was celebrating victory in both the Northland Ward , where all five fielded candidates were elected , and on the Waterside , where it picked up an extra seat .
4 The waiters were all busy at that moment so I picked up a full glass from the table and fought my way to where she was holding court in the middle of the mass — standing up , of course .
5 While it was charming I was not at all happy there so I gave up the grandiose life and moved over to the Peel Street YMCA .
6 Once you build up a regular routine you will want to get outside whatever the weather is doing .
7 The likeliest place for the specks to get into the product was in the ‘ Fluon ’ finishing Room so we set up a multi-disciplinary CAT of operators , supervisors , QC , QA and maintenance personnel headed by Finishing Room manager Jim Fairhurst .
8 Now we 've got a formula , so we build up a little table .
9 That occurred although it took up a large slice of their already-depleted income , and they also ran the risk of getting lung cancer and other smoking related diseases , and placed the health of their children in jeopardy .
10 ‘ My lipstick fell out of my bag , you see , and he trod on it — not on the carpet , thank heaven ! — so he picked up the mangled remains and asked if he could get me another .
11 When he returned from exile , he was fired with the wish to help his country catch up with the advanced industrial countries of the west , so he set up the Czech Industrial Museum in his family brewery .
12 It lies below and beyond the distinctions between subject and object which are inbuilt in ordinary experience at the level of knowledge and action ; so it opens up a direct awareness of the God on whom our existence hangs as given in and with our deepest awareness of ourselves .
13 And once I nearly got my head flattened , cos I sent up the wrong thing and bang he sent it down and I just got my head out of there in time .
14 I said erm I said to Alison oh aye cos she rang up the other day and I asked her if she 'd found a fella .
15 ‘ Now , if you set up a decent practice , somewhere in Belgravia , instead of this … slum , you could come and treat me .
16 Robson was , in one sense , simply echoing the words of Maitland that ‘ if you take up a modern volume of the reports of the Queen 's Bench division , you will find that about half the cases reported have to do with rules of administrative law ’ and that you must ‘ not neglect their existence in your general description of what English law is ’ otherwise ‘ you will frame a false and antiquated notion of our constitution ’ The fact that Robson felt the need to propound this view so strongly , and that Maitland 's thoughts seemed to have been almost entirely neglected , serve to indicate that conservative normativism had by the 1920s become established as the dominant tradition .
17 So the people at the front yeah if if you come up a little bit closer .
18 If you build up an aerobic walking programme you will soon see the excess pounds drop away and you will feel and look fitter and slimmer without weight watching .
19 Losing your erection is easy enough if you store up the right anti-erotic thoughts .
20 If you look up the relevant books you will find that eqn ( 3.56 ) may be expressed in terms of elliptic integrals .
21 Yeah , well you see it 's quite a point you know , cos if we go up the top shop , we just , well the most I would buy is four
22 If we make up a helical coil ( Fig. 4.2(b) ) the wires are going round always in the same direction so the voltages simply add and we may rewrite eqn ( 4.13 ) in the form
23 Biological systems tend to normally pick up a particular isomer in most cases , if they pick up the wrong one it will affect , for example the protein chain it will affect , ultimately , its three dimensional structure and therefore , it 's function .
24 If they dream up a bright profit-winning idea , even if it involves walking in the dirty waters of pornography as the 0898 service does , the Government are unable or unwilling to do anything about it , even over a six-year period .
25 Elias Hrawi , the West Beirut-based ( Christian ) President , reportedly responded by saying that there would be no deal with Aoun until he gave up the presidential palace at Baabda and the Army command at Yarzeh .
26 Well I must say I much prefer it like that cos it covers up the ugly fence .
27 Debbie 's lawyer , John Christiansen , said she can claim half their assets , because she gave up a promising tennis career for Fred 's sake .
28 Their sovereign was immensely puzzled by the process and strongly suspected that some of them intended to secede and set up independent states in South America , but the conquests attracted special attention and gained retrospective approval because they opened up a great wealth of silver and gold for the treasury of the King of Spain .
29 The dream lingered through the endless moments while I trudged up the clinging sand , seeing our little cottage grow larger and more ominous , till suddenly it was if the film director grew tired and cut to me opening the cupboard door and peeping out .
30 From this , Mrs Lamport discovered she had misread one name and her researches into Mrs Piggott were scrapped while she took up the new challenge in the name of Mrs Pigou , a theatre-goer of French origin .
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