Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [verb] all the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 where you knit all the time
2 I enjoy dressmaking , so I made all the cot bumpers , cot drapes , curtains , cushions and a bean bag for the baby 's room .
3 My mother was beside herself and after that , although she still almost worshipped her , she was afraid even to hold her up or lift her , so I had all the care of her .
4 Like , I 'd been to church , been to Sunday School , so I knew all the stuff in the Bible , but I guess I needed to envisage it … see it , in my own terms . ’
5 There was not a pretty face in sight so I sulked all the way to Dover .
6 David got out with all the film , so I have all the pictures of the whole thing . ’
7 So I swam all the way through High School , and I was never in a band because of that .
8 Once I went all the way home — but I never went in .
9 once I read all the leaflets
10 Children younger than you die all the time .
11 You 're too scared about changing gear so you go all the way from here to Glasgow in first .
12 O.K. , so you had all the motives , you even had the gun , but you did n't do it .
13 Erm , so you bring all the data down , passing over the simple formulae and then do one copy .
14 and you 've a number inside the car as well on the bottom of the car on the floor so er some of them no , they do n't so some of them take the mickey of them and putting different plates on of a written off car from a scrap yard so you can have like a brand new Sierra smashed up in a scrap yard and you buy it for like a thousand pound and you this Sierra with a brand new Sierra , so you change all the plates over and do all this on the car and then you got a bloody Sierra worth about nine or ten thousand pound
15 I 've never entirely agreed with the policy of restricted entry , although one knows all the arguments why this has been necessary .
16 The following morning the room looked as though an expedition had broken out in it , so we fought all the bits back into the sacs , smiled sweetly at the girl on reception and left .
17 He was great fun and loved Chinese food , which I adored , so we knew all the Chinatown speciality restaurants .
18 The Water Authority , well , there again , they 're interested to some extent in forecast rainfall , but they 're more interested in erm how much rain has fallen over quite a big area and erm over what a , what sort of period , so we maintain all the rainfall statistics throughout the country .
19 Oh , so we do all the rest and we write them .
20 It 's tense , but it 's fun , too , and once we have all the guests safely at our South Bank studios , we can really start to breathe easily .
21 Then they tried to winch here out — it did not work , so they removed all the provisions during Sunday night to lighten her further .
22 In the first case , this is how the choice appeared for people considering a £1,000 loan once they had all the information ( both ‘ total repayment ’ and ‘ APR ’ were explained ) :
23 So far their almost daily antics have included a variety of canny offensives — successfully protecting against unsympathetic judges in rape trials , filling the White House garden with tennis balls covered in facts and figures of women 's oppression plus the odd rude rad fem slogan , and sending Jane Fonda 's husband , TV mogul Ted Turner , a ‘ We Are Watching ’ letter about his refusal to show pro-choice ads on his channel ( although it shows all the antiabortion propaganda ) .
24 Although he had all the appearance of an old hand with his beard and sea-salt 's pipe , he was a brewery worker by trade .
25 I think it 's best if you go Alan so he said well shall we ask the children what they think , so he brought all the kids down
26 It 'd look suspicious if I took all the glory , now , would n't it ? ’
27 Now if I go all the way to the very bottom of the spreadsheet , and put some er , an entry , somewhere near the margin there .
28 If I get all the praise when we 're winning , then I fully expect to take all the criticism when we 're losing .
29 At last the shops opened and like a kid with a tanner , I hunted and sniffed and tasted and tried , imagining what I 'd buy if I had all the money in the world .
30 For example , if I had all the money in the world I could quite easily buy a hundred Ferraris if I wished .
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