Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [verb] [adv] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 One night along came Doctor Strangelove , so we went out early to eat before the film started , in a taverna near the cinema .
2 It 's important to plan , so we predict how best to treat them .
3 The Egyptian foreign minister , Amr Moussa , made it clear he expected Israel to offer more than it has so far to return the deportees to their homes in the occupied territories .
4 If I last long enough to get to the air … .
5 If I had anywhere else to go I would leave this house .
6 Then , fiercely , ‘ But if I had anywhere else to go , I would . ’
7 Well Dorothy got er , some to knit something for Bryony and she actually got too much so if I do run out if I have n't enough to finish this er er vest , T-shirt summer top , whatever it 's called she 'll have some .
8 Unlike traditional sales where you wait until you get round there to tell them what the price is you have you have to er tell them what er the price on the phone .
9 Now , if you came out here to annoy me then … ’
10 From time to time I shall send one or other of them to you with documents to examine , and it would be helpful , I think , if you looked in periodically to study our work in progress . "
11 ‘ People get bored if you try hard enough to tell them how things were . ’
12 " If you have somewhere else to go , you will go . "
13 ‘ It 's more than possible , it 's probable , but until we know where else to look we 'll look here .
14 But if we react too strongly to fear , the brake is applied so hard that we come to a standstill , and fail to grow — which means a wasted lifetime .
15 If we went high enough to use a ‘ chute we 'd be picked up on radar immediately after taking off . ’
16 During this process younger children learn that if they cry loud enough to get the parent involved they usually get their own way .
17 If it persists long enough to block out sunlight for an period , it will have the effect of wiping out phytoplankton , with potentially-disastrous effects for all marine life further up the food chain .
18 If until 1832 the working class seen in a Marxist perspective as a proletariat was emergent and potential , if it had yet fully to identify itself , the Reform Bill of that year finally distinguished it from the rest of society .
19 The sixteenth-century merchant who was so proud of his oriel windows would be astonished if he came back today to find that behind them management was managing and typists typing .
20 Unless it grows fast enough to sustain recropping the birds must move elsewhere .
21 Then they put us in the Fleming Hospital in Newcastle , me and the bairn , because I had nowhere else to go .
22 How hopeless and ludicrous everything was : the seas of incomprehension , the misunderstandings that could never be cleared up because we seemed not only to speak different languages but to inhabit different countries .
23 American blacks were always assimilationists because they had nowhere else to go .
24 Anna was in danger of dying because he had not enough to offer her to replace what she would be losing .
25 His primary commitment was to effective control ; he chose deterrence because it seemed most obviously to follow from his views on human rationality .
26 As I wrote to you at the time ( since you refused even then to see me or any of your old friends and supporters ) I accepted the MS as a sacred trust and would do what I could to see that it eventually saw the light of day in the most appropriate form .
27 Possessive adjectives , however , do not produce a satisfactory result : ( 60 ) our bicycles damaged all had red handlebars your ideas discussed will be put to our colonel One may enquire why there should be this contrast , since it seems easy enough to see what meaning should be attached to each of the sentences of ( 60 ) .
28 Paul starts to move the boats to the top of the falls whilst I run on ahead to talk to the police at the top of the falls with the nice man from the Northern Echo .
29 I disremember if it was October or November — it was October , 'cos it was before I came up here to join the matriculation class . ’
30 ‘ I wo n't let it happen — now get your hands off me before I scream loud enough to wake the guards at the Chinese border ! ’
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