Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [verb] [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I waded out , concentrating on casting towards the weeds , where I had seen a good fish rise , when a glint of white under the water caught my eye .
2 I left the crew to fend for themselves ; they were a married couple , after all , and I remembered a small trattoria in a back street where I had enjoyed a candlelit meal .
3 They dragged me to the Police Station where I had to make a detailed statement of everything that had happened the first time intercourse took place .
4 One compositor , Jean Henderson whose daughter kindly provided me with information , went into the trade ( in the 1890s , that is some time after the earliest entrants ) straight from the Dean Orphanage , where she had received a good education ( see Plate 1 ) .
5 Drew had gone with her to the hospital , where she had undergone a full medical check .
6 And the question to me is that , where you have got a parliamentary system and where essentially you 're dealing with the backbenchers of the … government in power , can you deliver them ?
7 Then patch the surface with the special filler provided ( one-part types are easier to use than the two-part systems , where you have to mix a special catalyst with the filler paste ) .
8 You dive down a side street where you have spied a festoon of pretty cotton squares , and there , under gaudy painted colonnades , lilac and orange , cinnamon and lemon and rose , in patterns more typical of Marseille or the Levant than of Cavaillon , the retail market stalls are already doing business .
9 Where you want to bend a short length of pipe , it may be better to use a length of hand-bendable flexible pipe .
10 ‘ We 've been in this situation before , where we 've needed a good result away from home only to lose 1–0 , ’ he said .
11 Commitment to the community continued through our support of the performing arts , most recently through involvement with the Royal National Theatre in the UK , where we have sponsored a European Tour and a number of other initiatives .
12 It is not a desirable place to paint pictures in , inside the Cuiraing : the silence and the grandeur awes you ; and the sheep above where we stood had an uncomfortable habit of loosening with their feet stones that came with an ominous crash near to us , and some shepherd lads , much less excusable , thought it good fun to threaten to , and likewise to perform , throwing stones near us .
13 Our business is concentrated in two main producing regions , the UK and Indonesia , where we continue to focus a significant amount of our activity .
14 Where there does exist a genuine public expression of concern about the way the police operate this can not just be dismissed as a matter of misunderstanding or be written off as the foolish ramblings of that police ‘ folk devil ’ the ‘ loony left ’ , who would dismantle the system for their own political ends .
15 The hardest task for the lads was swamp skiing , a severe test of cooperative behaviour where they had to navigate a 50 metre course barred by three electrified barriers on two 10 foot planks of wood .
16 A year later she and her son Samuel travelled to Bury St Edmunds , where they helped found a Congregational church .
17 More than half of the 2,000 nurses surveyed said changes to staffing levels where they worked had a detrimental impact on the quality of care .
18 This is just next door to his old address at No 76 , where he managed to evade a High Court Deputy Tipstaff last week after a tip-off from the landlord , apparently by climbing through a back window and shinning down a drainpipe .
19 In 1946 , he played in Montreal and in the following year , he transferred to the Brooklyn Dodgers , where he had to weather a strong protest by the rest of the team before making his debut .
20 He had decided it was not a subject for honest men , and had gone on to history , where he had developed a real interest in local history and a talent for getting old working-class men and women talking about the customs and social conditions of their childhood .
21 Where he had felt a little pang — outside , horse-held , self-wrapt — now , delighted by the truculence of her conversation , he was ravenous .
22 But , always kind : " Well , Robert , dear fellow , " she crooned when he came back from the bar ( where he had bought a third bottle of champagne ) .
23 From Winnipeg — where he had to work a bootlegging ruse to get a drink — he hitched to New York to stay with some friends of Philip : they were in Vermont and so he busked a few days in Manhattan , perhaps even sang for his supper in Greenwich Village .
24 He found Joseph in the Hungerford area , where he had rented a small farm .
25 He 'd stayed there ( ‘ in Didcart ’ ) much longer than he 'd intended ; and when finally he tore himself away from the Cornish Riviera and the Torbay Express he 'd walked back to Didcot Parkway Station at about five o'clock , and caught the next train back to Oxford , where he 'd , er , where he 'd had a quick drink in the Station Buffet .
26 When Werner heard of our filming plans he took us back to his bungalow , where he proved to have a superb cook of his own , a staggering collection of ethnographic art , and an intimate knowledge of the islands .
27 In some regions the transformation had taken place much earlier , as in Kent , or Essex , or Devon , where it had taken a different form altogether , and most of the fields had been reclaimed direct from forest and moorland without passing through the open-field stage at all , or had been enclosed from open field at an early date .
28 ( This perception is if anything stronger in the popular culture in the USA , where it has bred an academic response in the form of the Extrovert Professor who can take on anybody , physically or mentally ) .
29 Once someone has used a particular credit type , they are very likely to buy other things in the same way .
30 Although I had seen a few people through Plump Partners — some of whom are still great friends — romance never really blossomed for me .
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