Example sentences of "[subord] [noun] [vb -s] to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is only in this particular section , where Reger resorts to the use of low tremolandi on a pedal point , that the orchestral provenance of the music is in any evidence .
2 Information disclosed by one party to another in the course of negotiations will be subject to the obligation of confidence where information relates to the subject matter of the negotiations and has the necessary quality of confidence .
3 It is interesting to contrast this statutory definition of monopoly of " one quarter " with that of economic theory where monopoly refers to the existence of a single firm .
4 Patients move between these two subtypes , although chronicity leads to an accumulation of patients in the binge-eating/purging subgroup .
5 Of the two , carbon — which has the smaller atoms — is by far the more versatile : it lends itself much more easily than silicon does to the creation of intricate molecular shapes .
6 If appraisal leads to the creation of a new bureaucracy which consumes money which would otherwise be spent on resources for children , is such formalised procedure likely to be beneficial ?
7 Moreover , If Europe returns to the exchange-rate volatility and misalignments of the 1970s , the great benefits of free trade within the EC will be in jeopardy .
8 Because entropy relates to the distribution of energy the principle was introduced that the most probable condition exists when energy in a river system is distributed as uniformly as possible according to the physical constraints .
9 Till life returns to the caravan .
10 In network analysis , because G(s) relates to a signal that is a real function of time , the poles and zeros are either real or they occur as complex conjugate pairs .
11 Rex , for instance , has argued that most black people form an underclass in British society , occupying the most disadvantaged positions in employment , housing and other areas relative even to the white working class ( Rex and Tomlinson , 1979 ) , while Miles refers to the formation of a distinct black ‘ fraction ’ of the working class ( Miles , 1982 ) .
12 The major differences are first , whereas waiver looks to the intention and knowledge of the waivor , estoppel does not as it is concerned with the effect on the representee ( see Motor Oil Hellas Refineries v Shipping Corporation of India , " The Kanchenjunga " [ 1990 ] 1 Lloyd 's Rep 391 ) .
13 When she returns from her ‘ French Leave ’ Diana will go back to Kensington Palace while Charles goes to the Prince 's Trust pop concert performed by Genesis .
14 In summary , the results of this study suggest that while PAF contributes to the pathogenesis of the inflammatory response in ulcerative colitis , it has less implications for Chron 's disease .
15 It looks as though March comes to a close on an emotionally chilling note because the revolutionary planet Uranus , passing through your own birth sign in April , is adversely aspected by the Sun in Aries on the 30th .
16 When Buck goes to a diner , he sits at a table opposite a creepy woman with a nervous tic who keeps running a grey rubber mouse over her face .
17 He 'll be battling it out in Portaferry for one of the richest prizes in European triathlon as £10,000 goes to the winner .
18 When rifting leads to the rupture of a continent the original elevation of the landsurface above sea level prior to rifting inevitably creates some relief once a new base level is established .
19 Mr Thomas Sumison , the master mason from Colerne who almost certainly built it , was a genius , for Swangrove belongs to the place .
20 When Sam succumbs to the temptation of putting on the Ring he feels Sauron looking for him .
21 At first Olivia answers mockingly , in prose , but as Viola warms to the task Olivia comes up to verse , the stronger emotion lifting the medium with it .
22 When love comes to a man in the form of grace he has the assurance that he is accepted , and is thereby enabled to experience self-integration once more , and the feeling of being reunited with others .
23 As Cam listens to the captain 's wise comments on the youth 's complaints :
24 As summer draws to a close , some plants are still cropping , others need winter preparation and , suggests Joy Larkcom , a green manure will do your soil a power of good
25 An agreement to sell becomes a sale when property passes to the buyer .
26 Sometimes a family crisis such as the wife 's admission to hospital for an operation , or confinement , when mother-in-law comes to the rescue and willingly takes over the housekeeping , will draw them together , and help them to value each other as people for the first time ; but more often it is a gradual process , the slow demolition of long-held prejudices .
27 When Todd refers to the party as " a cosy totalitarian institution " , when he remarks that " fear and dread of the reality of the world imprison communist militants far more than the statutes " , he doubtless overstates his case .
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